Meet Australian sketchers in Monzennakacho, Tokyo
Austrarian sketchers Evelyn and Kym visited Tokyo and some of us Tokyo sketchers met up in Monzennakacho, a nice nighborfood with traditional Japanese old ambience. This was also my first visit to this place. Thanks Ryoji who lives there guided us that day. Fukagawafudoson temple / 深川不動尊 Tomiokahachimangu shrine / 富岡八幡宮 Tatsumi sindo aller, a bar district / 辰巳新道 Restaurant Sugita / すぎ田 A riverside / 川縁 At a okonomiyaki restaurant / お好み焼き屋キャベツにて A sumo wrestler Isshinryu 一心龍, a friend of Ryoji, joined in our table and kindly grilled okonomiyaki and yakisoba for us! In the bar Tampopo / バー たんぽぽ We had a fun, long, and deep sketch marathon day.