
Showing posts from June, 2017

Open Sketch Day in Tama Zoo

Aaron Blaise, a skilled and well known artist visited Japan and he had open sketch day in a zoo. I went there and was able to walk behind him together with other participants, and was able to see how he capture animals on his sketch pad. His deep understanding and analysis make him enable draw perfect form of any creature regardless the subject being stay still or not during sketching. While he drew animals, I tried capture him. Thank you Aaron for the inspiration and those who organized the day as well.


シンガポールから来ていたスケッチャーさんで、昨年タイでのスケッチイベントでもお会いしていた Alvin Tanさんと、いつものスケッチ仲間と巣鴨でスケッチ会しました。前半はいい気候で、街中を、昼過ぎからは雨が降ってきたのでインドアにこもってのフード、ポートレイトスケッチにシフトしました。 Alvin Tanさんは、油絵、ブラシペン、水彩の3つの画材を使って描かれていた実力派でした。