An old shop in Hibiya Park. 日比谷公園の売店
ちょっと前のスケッチですが、、 A bit late posting. It was a nice and warm evening with cherry blossoms in full bloom everywhere. I really wanted to sketch something in town, after I visited impressive Eriko's exhibition in Yurakucho. 桜も満開で暖かな夕刻、有楽町で川村恵理子さんの素敵な個展を拝見した後、ムズムズと何か外で描きたくて、少しだけ時間があったので、桜でも描くか!と、日比谷公園をぶらぶら、、 毎年難しくてやっぱり描けない桜を横目に、懐かしい売店を発見!しかも店の前におあつらえ向きのベンチもある!よし!と座って描き始める。 I dropped by this park to see cherry blossoms, but found this fancy old little shop instead. I used to come by this shop when I was in school many many years ago. I had to draw very quickly as it was almost closing time. あれれ〜、お菓子片付けちゃうの?!私は筆がとても遅いので、かなり大急ぎで描きこむ。店主が店じまいを始めたので、とりあえず仕上げなきゃ。 Oh no.. it's closed.. but it happened to be a good practice for me to draw quickly. 閉まっちゃいました。