
Showing posts from February, 2017

54th WWWSCは春節中華街スケッチ会

久しぶりに横浜の中華街を訪れました。春節初日のこの日はいつもの中華街の雰囲気よりwelcome感を感じるというか、お店の人も訪れる人もハッピーになりましょうよモードだった感じです。各レストランも定額で様々な種類のメニューが食べられるコースが用意されていて、どこに入るべきか迷うばかり。 夕方には手相占いのお店に行き、いいことばかりを言ってもらえたのも春節ならではのサービスだったのかしら?

Sketch experiments

News from a Japanese Neighbourhood  Association community center where I am living.  Today I did a sketch on a cardboard. Then Decided to put some paper with glue stick. Application! And added details by crayon pencils and gel pen. I was happy with result. 松戸市、岩瀬自治会館 二階 On the picture: Kotatsu table, which me and Charlie found in University's garbage and bring here.  My accordion. Blue zabuton seats of Iwase.  Old Brother printer, got broken last week.  Calendar for 2017, which I bring from University library.  Book shelf, which we received from local person.  Now we will collect books and toys on this shelf for common use. Took me around 30 mins to do this by mixed technic.  I was also trying to draw by ink brush. It is fast, compare to my usual pencil and watercolor only. Here is latest sketches of visitors of Iwase Neighbourhood Association and meetings of it's managers.