
Showing posts from December 5, 2020

Meet your USkJ friends : interview with Mariia Ermilova

今回インタビューさせていただくのはロシア出身のマリアさんです。マルチリンガルのマリアさんは、千葉大学に在学時に、USk Japanのイベントを大学と地域自治体とコラボレーションして、当時日本を訪れていたUSKのEducation boardの面々と共に4日間の日本初のUrban Sketchingのワークショップの企画、運営をされたスキルの持ち主で、またUSK Japanのアドミニストレーターの一人でもあります。 Q1,スケッチを始めたのはいつ?USk/USkJとの出会いは? When did you start sketching? And how do you get involved in USk/USkJ community? Since I remember myself in childhood, I liked to draw. So, when I was in junior high school I asked my parents to let me go to art school. I passed the exam and started to attend afterschool lessons in the evenings. I’ve spent there 4 years, and all the time we constantly draw “nature morte” in the classroom. There were many students, preparing for the exam to Architecture Academy. I liked the summer practice the most. We used to go out to our old city (it is celebrating 800 years date in 2021) and draw plein air: watercolor, pencil drawings and sketches. We brought the lunch boxes with us and spend the whole day wandering in the tattered neighborhoods. Sometimes w...