Urban Sketchers Tokyo

What is Urban Sketchers Tokyo?

2012年、Urban Sketchersの日本支部として、Urban Sketchers Japanが発足しました。不定期でのスケッチ会運営から始まり、月例スケッチ会や、国外のスケッチャーとの協働で開催したイベントの開催などを経て、日本のアーバンスケッチ文化を育ててきました。

2024年、もともとUrban Sketchersの地方支部は国単位ではなく都市単位が望ましいこともあり、Urban Sketchers JapanからUrban Sketchers Tokyoへと改名しました。この改名には、現状のUSk Japanの活動が東京近郊に集中しているため、国内の他の都市からもUrban Sketchersグループの発足を願う意味も込められています。

ぜひUSk TokyoのFacebookグループに加入し、スケッチ会に参加したり、スケッチをシェアしたり、イベントを企画したりしてください。旧USk JapanのFacebookグループは、今も東京以外の日本国内のスケッチや情報を共有する場として機能しています。たくさんのスケッチャーの方々と、オンラインでもオフラインでもお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!

In 2012, Urban Sketchers Japan was founded as Japan's regional chapter of Urban Sketchers. It started from organizing sketch walks occasionally and helped grow the urban sketch culture in Japan through hosting monthly sketch meetups and international events where we collaborated with sketchers from outside of Japan.

In 2024, since a regional chapter should represent a city rather than a country, we changed our name from Urban Sketchers Japan to Urban Sketchers Tokyo. This big change was also aimed at encouraging sketchers in other areas of Japan to form their own regional groupsUSk Japan's activities were mostly centered around Tokyo even though the group had "Japan" in its name.

Join USk Tokyo's Faceboook group to attend sketch meetups, share your sketches and organize events. We still have the Faceboook group for the former USk Japan as a platform where you can share sketches and information in other areas of Japan. We'd be pleased to meet many of you, both online and offline!

USk Tokyo Facebookグループ
USk Tokyo
 Facebook Group page https://www.facebook.com/groups/326470823600754/members

旧USk Japan Facebookグループ
Former USk Japan Facebook Group page

urbansketcherstokyo at gmail dot com まで(リアルなメールアドレスに変換してください)

urbansketcherstokyo at gmail dot com (please change "at" to @ and "dot" to .)

Urban Sketchers Tokyoのロゴを無断でダウンロードしたりスクリーンショットから切り取ったりすることは固く禁じます。名刺、ウェブサイト、展覧会のチラシ等でロゴを使用したい方は、USk Tokyo運営までお問合せください。
Do not download the Urban Sketchers Tokyo logo or take a screenshot of the logo without permission. Please get in touch with us if you want to use the logo for your own business card, website, exhibition brochure, etc. 

Urban Sketchers Tokyoの名称を個人の名刺やウェブサイトに記載することは問題ありません。ワークショップ等のイベントの名前や案内文への記載は、イベントが非公式の場合は禁止しておりますので、USk Tokyoの名を冠したイベント等を行いたい際はまず運営までお問合せください。
You can mention the name of Urban Sketchers Tokyo on your own business card and website. It is not allowed to mention it in the name or description of an unofficial event such as a privately-run workshop. If you want to have an event under the name of Urban Sketchers Tokyo, please contact us.


  1. Hello, I am interested in taking a sketch workshop in Japan, anyone doing this? thanks.
    Suta Lee

  2. Hi Suta, do you live in Japan? So far, there will be no workshops but just meet up and sketch session will be held sometime. I'll write the information when we decide to do one.

  3. Hi, next july i Will visit Japan with my family. Do you know if there are any workshops to follow? I Will stay in Japan for almost three weeks.

    Bye, Christine, the Netherlands

    1. Hi Christine, I don't have plan to have any workshops nor don't know any during your stay in Japan but if you want, we may have sketch session.

  4. Hello,
    Next May I'll go to Japan (just 15 days but it's my dream!). As urban sketcher I would like to find a meetup there to spend one morning drawing (maybe Tokyo or Kyoto). Is there any possibility? I know Sketchcrawl is on April (just a shame...I would prefer on May, and spend the 51 Sketchcrawl day with you...)



    1. Hi Belen, when you stay in Tokyo, we may organize sketch meet up. Tell me what exact date you'll be so that we can make plan.

    2. Iam an urban sketcher from Bangkok. I plan to be in Tokyo around April 20 (the 3th week of Apri) for Sakura event. Kumi,I would appreciate it if you could let me know about any scketch event you may have during that week.

  5. Dear Kumi san, If there is a Tokyo sketch meet up, how can I join? I live in Matsudo and would definitely like to meet and join!
    This is facebook https://www.facebook.com/mermilova2

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Maria, sorry about my delayed replay. Thanks for letting me know your Facebook address so that I can invite you through it. ( now you can delete the address from this post.)

  8. Hi all, send me a message to uskjinfo@gmail.com when you want to tell us the detail of your travel dates, preferable day to meet up for sketching or any question.

  9. Dear Sketchers, how to post in this blog? Sorry for troubling with the small question.

    1. To become a blog author to post in this blog, you need to be evaluated as frequent sketcher, and then you need to be sent an invitation by the blog admin.

  10. Hi USK Japan, Steve and I (Leonie) from USK Canberra (Australia), will be based in Tokyo for September and October 2016. We would love to meet up to sketch while we are there. Do you have any meetings planned? Please let us know.
    Leonie Andrews

  11. これで投稿できるのでしょうか?分からないことだらけで、ご指南よろしくお願いします。

  12. Anybody interested in sketching on Sunday, November 13, 2016. I will be in Tokyo. Coming from USA.

    1. Hi Patrick,
      I want to hear more about your plan that day. Please send a message to uskinfo@gmail.com

    2. So sorry, I wrote uskinfo@gmail.com which was wrong!! uskjinfo@gmail.com is correct address!!! Terribly sorry about that!!!!

  13. Hi Kumi, please let me know when you have some schedulle about sketching group around Tokyo.


  14. Hello USK Japan ;-)
    I'm a Belgian sketcher and just arrived in Sapporo for 15 months. Are there any people interested in going sketching together, firstly in Sapporo/Hokkaido ? (I may travel around other places in Japan later)
    looking forward to meeting you ...
    Thank you a lot in advance for your answer
    Florence Plissart

    1. Hi Florence,

      Hope you enjoy your stay in Japan and will have many sketching opportunity. If you come to Tokyo or near, let us know.uskjinfo@gmail.com



  15. Hi Kumi-San,

    Thank you for your answer. Yes, I enjoy Japan a lot, eventhough it is still cold in Hokkaido for sketching outside ;-) I will probably come in Tokyo this April, I will let you know when I have the dates.
    Kindest regards,

  16. 次回のWWSCは4月22日だそうです。
    Next WWSC is held in April 22nd.
    We'll meet up at 11:00 in front of Katase Enoshima station exit ( Odakyu line)

  17. Hi! I would like to join some of your events!

    1. Sorry my delayed reply. We don't have events unless someone ask us to have sketch meeting. If you are in Japan ( for short trip or living ) please let us know your preferable dates so that we can talk weather any of us are available that dates.
      please sand a message of your preferable dates to uskjinfo.gmail.com or join Facebook group : Urban Sketchers Japan to leave your message.

    2. Short notice! We will meet and sketch in Sugamo on 18th Sunday. Meeting time and location is : JR Sugamo station north exit at 11:00 am.

  18. 11月11日に、USK10周年記念のイベントとしてGTMの00:00から23:59の間で世界同時スケッチ会の企画があり、USK Japanとしては日本時間の11:00から16:00くらいで東京駅あたりを描きに行こうかと考えています。

    For 10th anniversary, USK is planning to hold 24H Sketch Crawl on Nov 11th, GTM 00:00~23:59. We USK Japan will be sketching about Tokyo Station ( around 11:00~16:00 Japan Time)


  19. Hi Kumi. I live in Tokyo
    I can.t be in Tokyo station today to meet with you but will be sketching in Yokohama at the time. Can i join the group online?

    1. Sorry my late replay. Sure, let's sketch together. Do you use Facebook? Find us Urban Sketchers Japan Facebook group, we often make announce of coming sketch meeting, or send a mail to uskjinfo@gmail.com

  20. Hello. I will be visiting Japan 30.06-22.07. I paint watercorlors and am sketching with graphite pencils etc, mainly Nature subjects (Norther Norway). I am however keen to meet Urban Sketchers, have some discusison about Japanese art supplies, art museums, botanical gardens and other places worth to visit (Tokyo, Yokohama, Sapporo)...I intened to purchase on my arival day (Seikado?) some local materials like Holbein wotercolors, Cotton paper sketchbook, some fineliners waterproof (Copic) etc...and than of course paint and sketch here and there:) Please let me know should it be possible to say hello, and also if you sometimes go and sketch together (July month?). Cheers, Aleks

  21. 月26日(日曜日)に旧古河庭園でスケッチ会を予定しています。駒込駅北口に12:00集合。

    日時:2018年8月26日(日曜日)午後12時 駒込駅北口の出口集合
    費用:入園料150円 館内見学は含まれません(*交通費、入園料/飲食代は自己負担でお願いします)

    Let's sketch at Kyu-Furukawa Gardens on August 26th, Sunday. We meet at Komagome station's North exit at 12:00. The sketch session will be held during 12:00~16:00.

  22. 10月10日に(WWSCとは別に)スケッチ会します。今回は街の夜景を描こうという趣旨で、16:00にハチ公で待ち合わせます。
    日時:2018年10月10日(水曜日)午後16時 ハチ公像前集合

    We have sketch meeting on October 10th at 16:00. meeting location is at Hachiko statue. We'll draw twilight town view.


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