USk Workshop: Wink and Squint
Wink and Squint : Draw correct proportion and capture light and shadow using primaries. 初めてUrban SketchersのWorkshop programとして、 Wink and Squint ( draw correct proportion and capture light and shadow using primaries)と題したWorkshopを持たせていただきます。 片目を閉じて&目を細めて というのは私が常日頃から絵を描く時に行う大事なものを見る時の基礎動作です。 (正しく対象物のプロポーションを掴み、光と陰を三原色を使って表現します。) Overview This is a basic course to learn how to measure and draw the object's correct proportion. In the first half time you'll learn measuring method (just like art school students do) using handle of a pencil as measuring device. One important tip is to see things with one eye. This way you can see the vast view in front of you like seeing a flat picture. The second half time , you'll capture light and shadow using primary colors only. This helps you to avoid being obsessed with copping local colors, if anything, achieving harmonious order in the drawing. The tip here is to squint to see value. 概略 このクラスはベーシックコースです。 目の前に広がる景色の相対的比率の...