Wish you were here!! Sketching at Sumi-Jazz Festival '19 (August 18th)
みなさんもう既に 久美サン や 桃子サンの記事 を 読んだとは思いますが、遅ればせながら僕のレポートです。しかしあの楽しかった「すみジャズ」が、もう2週間も前の出来事になるなんて正直信じられませ ん。 ホントに暑かったけど、最高に楽しかったあの時間!!そんな時間を、スケッチを愛する仲間たちと過ごせたなんて、本当に快感でしかなかったね。 I'm sure you have read Kumi and Momoko's report already but... here's my report on Sumida Street Jazz Festival sketch outing the other day. It's just crazy how FUN time flies so fast!! Can't believe it was almost 2 weeks ago that we had this blast time at Sumida Street Jazz Festival! It was really HOT but it was extremely FUN! And having such time with all the sketch loving friends was almost ecstatic LOL. 音楽を愛する人々。外で音楽聴きながらビールなんて最高っすね! People enjoying music with friends. Beer! Beer!! Beer!!! この日最初のスケッチにして、新調したスケッチブックの記念すべき1ページ目がこれ。様子を見つつ、何となく固くなっているのが線から伝わるね(笑) The very first sketch of the day was this one. It also happened to be the very first page of my new sketch book so I was trying not to screw it up lol... You could see a bit of he...