Perfect Autumn Day in Yokohama / 秋晴れの横浜 山手・元町
Once again, the sun was with us. October’s meet-up happened at Yokohama on the 20th. When I left my home in the morning, the sky looked gloomy. But as I was getting closer to Yokohama, it became sunnier. Arriving at Ishikawa-cho Station, I was welcomed by the blue sky and these fun people. 10月20日、横浜にて月例スケッチ会を行いました。朝、家を出たときはどんよりした空模様だったのですが、横浜に近づくにつれ晴れてきて、待ち合わせ場所の石川町駅に到着すると、青空とともにいつも愉快なスケッチャーの皆さんが出迎えてくれました。 Kumi-san has already posted her report on the meet-up, so this time I’m gonna write a lighter, more casual post than usual (I intend to now, but I don’t know. I always write too much). 久美さんがすでに レポート記事 を投稿されているので、今回は少し軽めにまとめたいと思っています。 It was the second meet-up we had in Yokohama this year. But, as contrasted with sketching waterfront sites (Red Brick Warehouse and Yamashita Park) in May, this month we explored the old shopping area called Motomachi in the morning and then went up to the hilly side of the city called Yamate (aka the Bluff) in the afternoon. 横浜でのスケッチ会...