No. 11 Mishima station "I sketch the 53 views in Tokaido, which Hiroshige drew”
"I sketch the 53 views in Tokaido, which Hiroshige drew” This is the eleven station, Mishima-jyuku. I started JR Mishima station to the Mishima shrine where Hiroshige drew. On the way, the Mishima Food festival was held in Shirataki-Koen park. I bought an Unagi-bento and a Mishima croquette. They were inexpensive and very delicious. After that, I arrived at the Mishima shrine and I saw a Trii gate. I sketched it immediately. Then, I strolled and I saw another big and great Trii gate. In fact, this gate was the really front gate. I was a little shocked. 「東海道五十三次、広重と同じ風景が見たい」、今回は第十一宿、三島です。JR三島駅を降りて、広重が描いた三嶋大社をめざします。途中、白滝公園でフードフェスティバルをやっていて三島名物のうなぎ弁当やみしまコロッケを購入。ボリュームも満点で大変美味しくいただきました。せせらぎが美しい桜川沿いを歩いたら、三嶋大社の鳥居が見えてきました。ここだと思い、さっそくスケッチ。ざっと描き上げ散歩。よく見ると、正面は別の場所に。より大きく立派な鳥居があり、私が描いたのは、実は裏門でした。ちょっとショック。 the front gate