
Showing posts from June 9, 2019

What Is Urban Sketching (for Me, So Far)? [Updated] –– Privilege to “Stop” / スケッチャーの特権?

Last year I wrote about what urban sketching was for me at the moment . There I said the definition would change as I experience more. So here is an updated version and it’s going to be all about my personal take on urban sketching. 昨年、 アーバンスケッチを始めての所感をまとめた投稿 をしましたが、今回はそのアップデート版です。非常に個人的な内容ですが、よかったら読んでみてください。 When I wrote the last post, “sharing” was everything for me. It was (and still is) fun seeing others’ amazing sketches, posting my own pieces, receiving reactions, and sometimes going drawing together. I enjoyed socializing through sketching. But over time the idea of urban sketching developed more internally and personally (It might go a little off the original intention of the activity though). 前回の記事を書いた時点では、わたしにとってアーバンスケッチは経験や物語のシェアがすべてでした。SNSを通じてスケッチを投稿しあい、時には一緒に描きにいくという交流が楽しかった(今ももちろん楽しいです)。それから半年ほど経ち、アーバンスケッチの意義はもう少し個人的、内面的なものに発展しています。 For me as a weekend sketcher, sketching is release from weekday stress. On my days off, I go out with a sketchbook and try to draw so...