
Showing posts from October 1, 2019


みなさんこんにちは! 先日の下北沢スケッチ会、楽しかったですか? 僕も行く気満々ですっごく楽しみにしてたんです。 先月のすみジャズも盛り上がったし、その前の麻布十番だって新しいメンバーと打ち上げで楽しかったし。そういう楽しい記憶って、危険なクスリみたいに効いてきて、今回の下北沢もさぞ楽しくなるだろう!と、ウキウキでした。 How is everyone doing? Did you guys enjoy last month's Sketch Outing in Shimokitazawa? Since the last one (Sumida Jazz Festival outing) was quite a success, and even the one before that (Azabu Jyu-ban) we had a blast with a couple of new faces at the post-sketch dinner thing that I was so looking forward to joining the event. しかし、その下北スケッチ会の数日前、スケジュールを確認してビックリ。下北沢の日にフツーに仕事の予定が!!??え?!仕事?!老眼かと思って、メガネを外して携帯を近づけてみても、そこには「仕事だよ」と書いてある笑!! But, just a few days before the Shimokitazawa, I looked up my schedule book and found that I had a work on that Sunday, just like that!!  I was like WHATTTTT!!??  I thought it's my eyes getting old and can't focus so I took off my glasses and looked carefully but it said "Yeah dude, you've got to work!!" ぎゃーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー!!!!! Noooooooooooooooo...