Stroll in Ichikawa
スケッチ仲間の鳥海さんの個展を見に市川を訪れ、そこで合流したみんなと市川スケッチ会。寒さのため、一枚を描いて、すぐに恒例のDrink & Drawに突入。Momokoさん、またもスケッチ会の企画をありがとうございました。また暖かくなったら訪れてみたいです。 It was my first visit to Ichikawa, where our sketch pal Toriumi-san held his exhibition in a cafeteria. There are a lot of unique and charming places in Ichikawa, so wish it had been a bit less cold that day.. I was only able to make one drawing outdoor.. sooner we evacuated to indoor to have Pizza and wine. Thanks to Momoko-san for organizing this time sketch meet-up. Would love to revisit there when it gets much warmer.