
Showing posts from December, 2016

忘年会 Portraits of local people

忘年会 岩瀬自治会 のお年寄りの人と話しながら、スケッチした。 最初は怖かったけど、どんどん丈夫になった。 なぜか私ここにいるのか? なぜか私こんなおかしいことをやるのか? このような質問はいつも頭の中にまわしている。 自分の落ち着いている場所を作り、スケッチブックの中です。 紙の鏡に映し、友達になれる。 みんな様の顔を描きたい。全地域の画像。ちょっと時間を与えて、周りの人を認識する。 いつも、ありがとう(^O^)!    In Japan, "End of the Year" (Bounenkai) Party is held in December.    Local people meet, eat and discuss what is happened, forgetting and forgiving bad things happened. On this party I drew portraits of people from Neighbourhood Association, in which building I'm living.    Felt scared to start drawing people in front of me, but it is the best way for me to feel comfortable, communicating by pictures.     In the end they were happy and I get to know them better. I'm planning to draw portraits of all Neighbourhood Association people. It is the way discover every person. Always thankful to them for accepting me in a neighbourhood :)

お家の船団 Marine fleet in the room

これから 住んでいるところ 岩瀬自治会館の二階には船が置いてある! 誰から来た、その船団? 子供の頃読んだ本 を思い出す、小さな世界。 この船は区に住む湯浅浩さんという方からです。 引っ越すのデ置く場所がないために2隻を自治会に寄付してくれた。 There are two ships now in the place where I live . When I see them, I remember a story from childhood, a book about boy, who wanted to meet little people on the ship .  He stayed at  his grandmother’s house during vacation. She has a beautiful model of ship, it was her precious memory. Boy see it and his interest is growing day by day, since grandmother prohibit to touch the ship. He imagine small people inhabit the ship and try to  catch them, lure out by sweets, all in vain... These two ships came to neighborhood association building from local person Hiroshi Yuasa, who is moving to other area. He want to give something to this community, which will keep a good memory.  He put inside the glass box semiprecious stone and coral, on both sides of ship.