USk Japan Night Sketch In Shibuya with Stephanie Bower
先週の10月10日、渋谷でUSkシアトルのステファニー・バウアーさんを囲んで、夜景スケッチが行われました。ステファニーさんは台中でのUSkアジアリンクに参加してからの東京。お疲れのところ、建築物を遠近法で描くデモを披露してくれました!その時の模様を短いビデオにしてみました。僕はデモには間に合わず、皆さんがスケッチを終えた頃に合流。一緒に食事をして帰路につく前に同じ場所で描きました。 Hi, everyone! We, USk Japan recently had a night sketch outing in Shibuya, with the USk Seattle correspondent Stephanie Bower, who had flew in from USk AsiaLink in Taichung just a few days prior. She showed us a demo on how to sketch in perspective. And here's the short video that I made of how it went. Hope you enjoy it!! You can also check out USk Japan Instagram account for some pics. Thank you Stephanie, we had a great time sketching with you and watching you sketch!! Hope you have a safe and great time the rest of the trip in Japan!! And also a big thanks to Kumi for organizing it and all the participants who showed up to sketch with us!! By the way, here are my sketches from the night. I actually couldn't make it on time for Stephanie's demo but joined...