Solo SKetchWalk around Shiodome to Takeshiba Wharf
After finished my commishioned work in an office in Tokyo, instead of heading for nearest station to go home, I chose the route I have never been for a change. Then I found pretty interesting view, and lucily there were stoned stools there alongside the sidewalk. Oh, this must be a kind of gift opportunity for me to relax and to draw. 東京に出てきたついでに直帰せず、行った事のない道を行ってみようと歩いていたら、いい景色と石のベンチがあるじゃないですか。ここでゆっくりして描いていきなさいよってことしょ?ってありがたく腰掛けて久々にのんびりとスケッチ。 Then I had lunch in a less crowded ( I mean almost empty) Italian restaurant I encountered on the way, so I spent time leisurely there. Thanks to the lady who offered me picles ( appetizer) double. 道中で見つけたレストランでは、前菜の野菜のピクルスをよかったらもう一皿いかがですか、とお勧めいただいたのでこれもありがたくいただきました。牡蠣のパスタもボリューミーでハッピーでした。 After lunch, I still felt like exploring something more. I saw the sign that says in the direction ahead I'll be Takeshiba Wharf. I have longed for the opportunity to get to the seaside, so I went there. I fit myself a spot where I was able to see ...