Sketch exchange in Taiwanese Frog Village
I was a lucky participant of the Asia-Link Sketchwalk in Taichung, Taiwan in 2018. When I go there, Kumi introduced her friend Elaine, who lives in Taichung. She kindly met me and introduced her friend Claire to get to Taomi, where I wanted to go to see eco-village's frogs after the Sketh-Link. So, thanks to these people it became a sketch exchange in the famous eco-village Taomi , Puli Township, Taiwan. ←With Elaine Jean on the first day of Sketch-Link in Taichung Claire picked me up in Puli and made a favor to me, introducing her hometown and friends. My goal was to see the frogs, for which the Taomi village is famous, so we go to Frog Grandma's hostel together with the local sketchers group. There we sketched the garden of the Grandma. It was full of flowers and butterflies. The leader of the sketching group is the oldest sketcher in Puli. His name is Sun Shao-Ying (or Sun Sensei, how the group called him). Among his works is documentation of the Jiji earthq...