
Showing posts from January 15, 2021

小正月のお飾り・繭団子 / My small discoveries in traditional events

天気が良く暖かだったので、不要不急のお出かけではないけれど、密にならない場所でちょこっと今の様子を描きに、近場の郷土民家園を訪ねました。 民家の中に小正月のお飾り、繭団子が飾られていたのでその様子を描くことにしました。以前この民家園のある公園内では、焚き火(どんど焼)で繭団子を炙って食べることができるイベントがあったものです。公園のHPをみて知ったのは、この地域が昔から養蚕が盛んで、豊作祈念の意味で繭団子と呼ばれるようになった(作られた)のだとか。私はこの場所で初めてこのお飾りを知りました。 It was fine sunny day, so I went to a park where you can see well preserved old houses there. I chose the location because this is out door place, not crowded, and I senced something traditional things must be happening there. Inside the house, an adornnent called ‘Mayu-dango’ ( literally means cocoon-dumpling, and actually this is made of pink/white rice cake dumplings, and kumquats )was placed. So I started to capture this end of New Year celebration seasonal event in my sketch book. I later knew the fact that sericulture was commonly practiced in this region and they prayed for large harvest by offering this dumplings. Actually this tradition is a new thing for me since I saw this event at this particular location not so long time ...