
Showing posts from July 6, 2019

USkJスケッチ会@麻布十番・六本木 / Urban Sketch Meet-Up @ Azabu-juban & Roppongi

7月の定例スケッチ会のお知らせです。以下、ご確認くださいませ。 Here is the announcement of July's Urban Sketch Meet-Up. Please check out the details below. Facebookイベントページ / Facebook Event --------------------------------------------- [集合場所・時間] 7/21(日)11時 麻布十番駅 5a出口 [スケジュール] 11〜13時:麻布十番商店街を中心に散策、スケッチ 13時:麻布十番駅に再集合。スローダウン(※スケッチのお披露目)を行い、ランチタイム 14時30分頃:午後の部に参加される方は六本木ヒルズ・毛利庭園に集合。六本木エリアでスケッチ 16時頃:毛利庭園に再集合。スローダウンを行い、解散。その後は状況に応じてお茶か飲みか行きましょう [Meeting place, date and time] 11am on July 21 At 5a Exit of Azabu-juban Station [Timeline] From 11 to 13: Sketch on/around Azabu-juban Shopping Street At 13: Meet up again at Azabu-juban Station, have a throw down, and go for lunch Around 14:30: Meet up at Mori Garden in Roppongi Hills if you join the afternoon sketching. Sketch in/around Roppongi Hills Around 16: Meet up at Mori Garden again and have a throw down. Join for a coffee or drink after the sketching if you like 7月の定例スケッチ会は麻布十番〜六本木で行いま...