Super Productive Sketch Walks with Super Friendly Melbourne Urban Sketchers / メルボルンUSkとスケッチ三昧の2日間
I stayed in Melbourne, Australia, at the end of September for a holiday. As an urban sketcher, what was the first thing I did when I decided to have this trip? of course, contacting the local USk group. 9月末に休暇をとり、オーストラリアはメルボルンに行ってきました。この旅行が決まったとき、わたしが最初にしたことはなんでしょう?はい、そうです!現地のUSkグループにコンタクトすること。 I joined Melbourne USk's Facebook group and posted to tell I was visiting the city. A bunch of members commented and a few said they were joining me. It was surprising, but I felt so happy and welcome even though I hadn't gone there yet. This is the great thing about the community––we have a global network of people with the same passion and you can find some of them almost everywhere in the world. Me and a few sketchers decided to have a meeting on the 29th. さっそくメルボルンUSkのFacebookグループに加入し、書き込みをしたところ、予想以上にいろんな方からリアクションが。しかも何名かは一緒にスケッチをしてくれるとのこと。嬉しい!やっぱりこうやって世界中のスケッチャーたちとつながれるのがUSk最大の魅力ですね。何人かとやり取りし、29日にスケッチウォークをすることに。 In addition, I contacted Viva. We met at the sketch outing at ...