
Showing posts from March 27, 2019

市川スケッチウォーク / Walk to Sketch in Ichikawa, Chiba—Discover Your "New Local" Town

すでに先の記事で久美さんがまとめてくださっていますが、3月23日、千葉県市川市の真間山弘法寺周辺で、いつもの仲間とスケッチしました。 We had a sketch outing around Guho-ji Temple in Ichikawa-city, Chiba, on 23rd as Kumi-san has already reported in the previous post. そもそもなぜ市川なぞに集まったかというと、現在、市川の話飲茶屋つぎはしという喫茶店でUSkJメンバーの鳥海さんのスケッチ展が開催中なので、そちらに皆で伺うついでに周辺で描きませんかというのがきっかけでした。が、実はそれ以前からずっと市川でスケッチしたいなあとは思っていたのです。千葉県というと都内の方には遠く思われるでしょうが、意外と市川は描きどころが多く、素敵な街。 This gathering happened thanks to a member of USkJ, Casey-san. His exhibit is taking place at a cafe called Tsugihashi in Ichikawa now. So I decided to invite people over to the city and go sketching after visiting the exhibit. Actually I wanted to have an outing in the area for a long time because it has many things worth drawing. I knew Ichikawa (or Chiba) would sound quite far for people in Tokyo, but finally I got a chance. 万葉集にも詠まれたらしい真間の継橋や、手児奈霊神堂、弘法寺などの歴史的建造物だったり。 So here are some good views of Ichikawa. It has historical sites such as Mama-no-Tsugihashi Bridge, Tekona Reijindo Shrine, and G