
Showing posts from August 29, 2016

Meetup in Matsudo and Festival Bon Odori

Last weekend in Matsudo was a cultural festival Bon Odori Festival called Last Summer Fest. I met with Arnie from France, before he got home and drew a few sketches of Tojotei historical garden and festival atmosphere.  松戸のラストサマーフェス&盆踊りのスケッチと戸定邸・戸定が丘歴史公園のスケッチです。 I was also working as a volunteer this days, selling ice with sweet syrop.  甘いシロップとかき氷が売っていました。⬇︎  We talked about staff we use for drawing and how we draw... So good to meet! :)

Wadaiko ( Japanese drum) show impressions

Capturing people in motion at Japanese drum show held in Tokyo. It is always challenging, could be a kind of bad manner to those performers...but this is how I keep the moments otherwise the motion and memories disappear just like seeing fireworks.