松戸秋葉神社まつり Japanese Traditional Festival


Past weekend I became a full participant of the local festival and carried Omikosi along with everyone for the first time. I felt united with everyone around me, it made me happy.

On the photo, our team from Iwase Neighbourhood, who came to help to carry Omikosi in the area of the festival Higashi-san-cho-me.

Festival is a chance to meet and chat. We change clothes in the tatami room. Everyone is wearing the festival special clothes: wide jackets with the name of the city and shrine on the front and big signs “祭” on the back. + Long belt, a little pouch, and head towel. Traditional shoes with “2fingers” also desirable. 

Festival backstage - women are cooking the food and chatting in the inner room, where the altar for the Shinto God is made with the sacrificial offerings: fruits, vegetables, sake, and rice cakes. The round mirror in the center represents God.


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