【お知らせ】2019年からのUSkJ公式定例スケッチ会開催 / [Official Announcement] USkJ starts to organize regular sketch meet-ups in 2019!

皆さんこんにちは!Urban Sketchを始めてまだ日の浅い新入りですが、最近Urban Sketchers JapanのFacebook・ブログでの広報を務めさせていただいております。

Hi, everyone. Though I'm very new to urban sketching, recently I've taken charge of providing information about Urban Sketchers Japan on Facebook and blog.
So here I have an announcement about our activities from next year: we are going to organize monthly sketch meet-ups form next January.

<定期開催日> 毎月第3日曜日
<場所> 都内(近郊)。開催日の2週間くらい前には確定の場所を案内します。

<Day> 3rd Sunday every month
<Place> In & around Tokyo
*We announce the place about two weeks before a meet-up.


The first meet-up will be on January 20. We haven't decided the place yet, but we will announce it together with other information later.


Along with starting this new stuff, we define regular meet-ups officially announced and organized by USkJ as "Urban Sketch Meet-Ups" and unofficial gatherings arranged by individual members as "Members' Sketch". We make announcements and reports about "Urban Sketch Meet-Ups" on Facebook event page and this blog. If you want to have a "Members' Sketch" session, please make a suggestion on Facebook group page. To post on the group page, please apply for a member of the group with answers to the required questions.

USkJ Facebookグループ
USkJ Facebook Group page


We're looking forward to trying the new thing next year. Have a good holiday everyone!


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