No.26 Kakegawa. Sketch the 53 station in Tokaido.東海道五十三次を描いてみたい。第二十六、掛川宿。


This is the 26th station, Kakegawa-Jyuku. My wife and I visited Kakegawa-Jyuku after Nissaka-Jyuku on the first day of last holiday in November. I stayed here on that day.
Hiroshige Utagawa painted the Ouikebahi Bridge across Futasegawa River. This bridge was so far away from downtown in Kakegawa. So, we got on the local train called Tenhama-Sen. We can see and enjoy calm rural views. I got off at the Nishi-Kakegawa Station which is unmanned, and walked for five minutes. There was a big modern bridge and traffic was heavy on the bridge. It was quite different from the bridge of Hiroshige. 

Ouikebashi Bridge

26th station: Kakegawa by Hiroshige Utagawa

Nishi Kakegawa Station


We went to Kakegawa Castle.  It stands on a hill in 5 minutes from the Kakegawa Station on foot. We could go up to the castle tower and see the panoramic view of the city. We also visited the palace and saw the living-ware and weapons. I was interested in it.

Kakegawa Castle


This accommodation for samurai and officials called Honjin became food stalls. It had been a parking lot before. The young managers of the town were trying to revitalize this town.


夕食を取ろうと駅前に行きました。海も近いので地場の魚を食べたく店を探しました。そこで遠州藁焼き さかなや道場 掛川店にお邪魔しました。時間が早かったのですが、もう予約でいっぱいでカウターしか空いていないとのこと。でお刺身の盛り合わせをお願いししました。メニューには5点盛りしかなかったのですが、無理に板さんに地場の魚のみの3点盛りをお願いしました。出てきたのが真鯛、黒鯛、すいませんあと一点忘れました(二回聞いたのですが覚えられませんでした)。どれも浜名湖で養殖されたものだそうで、鯛なのにすごい厚いのに柔らかく、ほんのりと脂がのっていて、生まれて初めてというくらい美味しい鯛でした。オススメです。

We looked for a seafood restaurant for dinner in the main street. We visited the seafood restaurant named Enshyuwarayaki-Sakanayadojyo-Kakegawaten. We ate assorted sashimi. It was all amazing. The taste was thick slices, tender and fatty. The chef said this black porgy and sea bream was farmed in Hamanako-Lake.

Assorted Sashimi

I'm currently studying English. If you find any mistakes in English in this article, I would appreciate your comments and suggestions. 
Thank you. – Have a nice day! 


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