What is urban sketching (for me, so far)? / 2018年、アーバンスケッチを始めて

"What is urban sketching?"
When I talked with some USkJ members the other day, this topic was discussed. Urban Sketchers has clearly stated the manifesto. But beyond that, everyone can have their own definition.


For me, so far, it's about journaling and sharing.


Meetup at Kyu-Furukawa Garden, which I first joined on a super hot day.

I'm a very new sketcher ー I just started this year. Before that, I didn't go out to sketch or draw from direct observation really much. I just drew for fun sometimes. I didn't aspire to be an artist or have formal art education. But I was looking for a community where I could enjoy and share art with others. Then I found Urban Sketchers. It seemed perfect to me ー anyone can join the community casually through the internet and they have local branches around the world (being international and English-based was very important to me). It looked friendly and open-minded.

わたしは今年アーバンスケッチを始めたばかりで、それ以前はスケッチに出かけることもほとんどなかったし、目の前のものを直接描くのは苦手でした(今でも苦手)。たまに趣味で描くけど、アーティストを目指しているわけでも、ちゃんとした教育を受けたいわけでもない。でも一緒に絵を楽しむ仲間はほしいなあと思い始めていたときに出会ったのがUrban Sketchersでした。調べてみて、わたしにとって理想的なグループではと思いました。インターネットを通じてカジュアルに参加できるし、世界中に現地グループがある。フレンドリーでオープンな印象。

Worldwide Sketchcrawl at Harajuku
原宿でのWorldwide Sketchcrawl

Those expectations were never betrayed. They cherish any style, material, and medium. Plus, you don't have to be too focused on drawing very well or convey everything just in one drawing. You can combine a few items, spread them on paper (or any medium) as you like, and add captions. Sometimes you may join a meetup, draw with friends, and post your sketch on Instagram with a story you've had that day. This whole experience is "urban sketching". As the manifesto says, we draw to record and tell our life, rather than to purely create a great work. That's why I fitted in with Urban Sketchers instantly. I originally like journaling online (blogging) to share experiences and ideas. With sketches, now journaling can be even more fun. Also, for a beginner like me, it's very important you can enjoy with no pressure for styles or skills and share anything with people.


So it's totally fine to make a mistake. Even that can be part of a story.


Last weekend I joined amazing sketchers at Jindaiji temple. It was a great time sketching with them, but I was so dumbass that day. I got lost on the way to the temple and, when I finally made it there, found I'd left all my supplies at home except a sketchbook...


So I borrowed a set of colored ballpoint pens and started sketching this shop.


I was nervous with the tools I'd never used, but enjoyed trying out the new stuff at the same time.


The result was not bad (I even forgot to take a picture of the sketch on location though). I couldn't have drawn with the pens before I started urban sketching because I was too afraid. But now I've learned to just try to sketch what's in front of me with supplies available. And the great part is that I can share this experience with the sketchers I joined, and even with people online.


So here is what I've learned and thought about urban sketching this first year. It's full of discovery ー learning how to sketch, meeting passionate and friendly sketchers, visiting places that I never went to, and even finding new aspects of familiar things and places that I thought I knew very well. The important thing is to share what you discover through your eyes, through your sketch. This is urban sketching for me. Next year, as I learn more, the definition might change. I'm already looking forward to it :)
Thanks for reading this long article. I wish you all have a great new year. See you in 2019!



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