No.23, Shimada. Sketch the 53 station in Tokaido.東海道五十三次を描いてみたい。第二十三、島田宿。
This is the 23rd station, Shimada-Jyuku. My wife and I crossed the Oi-gawa river by using a big bridge instead of wading across a river. We went to Shimada-Jyuku form Kanaya-Jyuku. There was an old street named Kawagoe-Iseki-Machinami near the Oigawa river. There were few tourists and made it feel like I went into the historical drama. Shimada-Shi museum was next to the embankment. We could know the history of Kawagoe-Ninsoku in considerable detail. By the way, Japanese traditional women’s hairstyle called Shimada-Mage is known for Bunkin-Takashimada started from Shimada-Jyuku. -This is the first time I heard-
第二十三、島田宿です。金谷宿から大井川を川越人足とではなく、橋を使って渡り、そのまま島田宿に行きました。大井川の近くに大井川 川越遺跡街並みがあり、当時の街並みが再現されています。観光客も少なく時代劇のなかに入った気持ちになります。堤防の横には島田市博物館があり、かなり詳細に川越人足の歴史を知ることができます。ちなみに文金高島田などの島田髷はこの島田宿から始まったそうです。(初めて知った!)
Next to the museum, There was a big pine tree called Asagao and an explanatory monument was built. This story was Asagao-Nikki. Shamisen player Asagao who lost her eyesight was looking for her fiancé. And then she went to Shimada-Jyuku. There was once a time when she ran into him, but he didn’t perceive and she didn’t give her name. Later, she became conscious of meeting him and run after him. However, she couldn’t across the rive for flooding. She tried to jump into the torrent but the master of the inn helped her. When she regained her eyesight, the first thing, she saw a big pine tree.
We stayed at a hotel near the JR Shimada station. I had a delicious dinner, but I was very tired and I couldn’t sketch. Sorry….
I'm currently studying English. If you find any mistakes in English in this article, I would appreciate your comments and suggestions.
Thank you. – Have a nice day!
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