【告知】USkJスケッチ会@渋谷 / [Announcement] Urban Sketch Meet-Up @ Shibuya + Drink&Draw
Hi, it's an honor to announce the very first monthly Urban Sketch Meet-Up here. Please check out the details below. You can leave a comment to this blog post if you want to join or ask any question.
Facebookイベントページ / Facebook Event
1/20(日) 14時 渋谷ストリーム 1F 稲荷橋広場の大階段前
[Meeting place, date and time]
2pm on January 20
At the grand staircase in front of Inari Bridge Square on Shibuya Stream 1F
Floor map: https://shibuyastream.jp.e.afk.hp.transer.com/shop/floor_detail.php?f=1
2-4pm: Sketch around Shibuya Stream
4pm: Meet up again at Inari Bridge Square and move to a HUB at Shibuya (maybe Shibuya Center-gai branch). Then we drink&draw till around 7pm!
HUB Shibuya Center-gai branch: https://shop.pub-hub.com/shop-hub/spot/detail?code=90&lang=en
初回の定例スケッチ会、 場所は渋谷です。昨年再開発されてオープンしたばかりの渋谷ストリームを中心に、渋谷のなかでも比較的穏やかな南側エリアをスケッチする予定。また、夕方からはHUB(英国パブ風居酒屋)に移動し、お酒片手に店内の賑わいをスケッチするDrink&Drawを行います。飲んで、描いて、おしゃべりして楽しみましょう!
We're having our first monthly meet-up at Shibuya. We're going to sketch around Shbiuya Stream on the south side of Shbiuya, which was recently re-developed and is a relatively quiet area compared to the busiest part. Plus, in the evening, we move to HUB and do drink&draw (sketch while drinking)! Come join us to have fun sketching, drinking, and chatting.
Let us know if you're in. Checking "Going" on the Facebook event or Leaving a comment here or on Facebook would be appreciated. We'll update the latest info in the discussion box on the Facebook event on the day of the meet-up so that people coming late can catch up.
We're looking forward to sketching with you :)
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