VisitingTogoshi Ginza, a nostalgic shopping district with Showa mood

令和初スケッチ会は戸越銀座。行ったのも初。ノスタルジックな商店街は散策していても楽しい。狭い路地で、さて、どういう描き方がいいだろうかと、あれやこれや試してみたくなり、最初に入ったお好み焼きやさんでは絵の具の色だしのためしがきした紙切れにざっくりとペンで描いてみた。次に、万年筆(耐水性ではないインク)を使って、線画を描き、後から水彩で多少の色付けと、滲みを使った陰影表現を試みてみた。次は、水彩で色面だけざっくりと追いかけ、そのあとにブラシペンの太いラインで描き込んでみた。最後はDrink &Drawの時間、いつものようにいきなり水彩のなぐりがきスケッチ。今回も参加者が大勢で(新しく参加した人、馴染みの人、海外から来た人)様々な作風、視点が見られた会になりました。

This was my first visit to Togoshi Ginza, Tokyo. As is always the case unless someone suggest to visit for sketching there, I wouldn't have had chance to be there. Thanks to Momoko-san and Toriumi-san who organized this meet-up. Eleven people ( including me) gathered ( new faces, old faces, from abroad, residents.) What a diverse and talented people we have!

This time I experimented various ways.

1st, I used a paper which I preliminary painted with color lines, then drew with black pen.

2nd, I used fountain pen with non-water proof ink so when I added detail with watercolor it bled. I utilized such effect as giving the painting a kind of antique feel.

3rd, I painted spaces with watercolor as plain figure, then drew details using brush pen.

4th, As is always the case, I drew D&D scene by direct watercolor.


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