USk Japan’s Biggest Sketch Meet-Up (So Far) at Azabu-juban & Roppongi / 麻布十番・六本木でUSkJ最大のスケッチ会!

I think I wrote this every month recently, but this month’s sketch meet-up at Azabu-juban/Roppongi was blessed with many, many participants. How many? Here you see.
By Casey-san

USk Japan is drawing more and more attention from different art communities like a figure drawing group and a friend group of artists/aspiring artists from overseas. Apparently, there is a high demand for occasions for people loving art to get together and share a place and time casually, but on a regular basis. Also, it’s our big advantage that the group is bilingual.

Azabu-juban/Roppongi is now known as a high-end residential/shopping area. But a few decades back, it was a shitamachi district that was a bit far from the central Tokyo and inconvenient. Still you can see low-key shitamachi townscapes, mainly around Azabu-juban Shopping Street.
By Naoko-san

By Naoko-san

By Lavinia

By Lavinia

I was excited to sketch the area, but I might’ve been too excited or overwhelmed by the number of participants. My drawing muscles were not loosened up enough and I struggled to start drawing. So, I tried drawing this 74-year old DIY shop quickly as an exercise.

I drew a woman in this sketch though you might not be able just to tell it’s a human being. The woman is Naoko-san, who sketched inside the shop while talking with the owner.
By Naoko-san

Naoko-san painting
By Casey-san

午前の部、スローダウンと集合写真。Throw down and group photo from the morning session.

I’m sharing some of the sketches from Azabu here. (If you want your sketches to be introduced here, send me images. I can’t download them from Instagram.)
By Boonhau

By Casey-san

By Kumi-san

By Ryoji-san

By Ryoko-san

By Shirakawa-san

By Sophie

Last month we got a stamp of our group logo, but it’s quite big. So, this month we got a smaller one too. Now you can choose either in accordance with the size of your sketchbook.
By Lavinia

Lunch time. Super expensive soba!
By Shin-san

Then we walked to Roppongi Hills. We didn’t know there was a festival going on and the Hills was even more crowded than usual. Mori Garden in the Hills turned into a beer garden, but we managed to find some space to sketch and relax.
By Casey-san

My sketch at Mori Garden. It was hard to paint this view because everything was green!

We got together and showed sketches to each other. This is the best moment of each sketch outing. Thank you Nia for the beautiful pic!
By Lavinia

午後の部、スローダウンと集合写真。Throw down and group photo form the afternoon session.

By Davina

By Hanaoka-san

By Kumi-san

By Lavinia

By Shin-san
By Yoshida-san

これで全体のスケッチ会は終了。わたしは何名かと新宿に移動し、打ち上げを行いました。もちろん、みんな飲みながら描きます。スケッチ会後のDrink & Drawは定例活動の非公式的な部分ではあるのですが、みんなで飲みながらリラックスして描くスケッチには、街中を散策してのスケッチとはまた違う楽しさがあってよいです。個人的にはここで描いたスケッチ仲間の落書きが、適度に力が抜けてこの日一番よい仕上がりになったかなと思っています。ということで、D&Dのスケッチも少し紹介させてください。
After the session at Roppongi, some of us went to Shinjuku for a drink. Of course, we had a drink & draw! It’s an unofficial part of our meet-ups, but I love sketching with friends over drinks because I can draw in a more relaxing way while enjoying conversation as well. I think the little doodle I did there is the best piece I made that day. It’s loose in a good way. Let me show some drink & draw sketches including mine.

By Hanaoka-san

By Shin-san


こんなところで、7月のまとめ記事を締めたいと思います。今回は月例スケッチ会を始めてから最大の会となり、本当にたくさんの方に来ていただいて嬉しかったのですが、あまりお話できなかった方もいて残念でした。また、皆さんスケッチや写真をたくさんシェアしてくださってありがとうございます。すべて紹介したいくらいだったのですが、、、それは不可能なので、取捨選択するのにかなり苦労しました。個別の作品については、Urban Sketchers JapanFacebookグループ、またはInstagram@uskjapanやハッシュタグ#urbansketchersjapanを検索して、見てみてください。ちなみに来月は真夏のスケッチ会になりますが、少し特別な企画を予定していますのでお楽しみに!
This is my report of our biggest monthly meet-up. I’m really happy we were joined by a lot of sketchers but it’s a shame I couldn’t talk with everyone very much. Also, a big thank you to those who contributed sketches and pictures to this blog post. I wanted to show everything, but it’s impossible… It was really hard to pick up what to share here. Please check out our Facebook group or our Instagram page @uskjapan or search the hashtag #urbansketchersjapan for more sketches and pictures. For next month’s meet-up, we’re planning about something a little special. So stay tuned! Thanks for reading:)


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