Super Productive Sketch Walks with Super Friendly Melbourne Urban Sketchers / メルボルンUSkとスケッチ三昧の2日間

I stayed in Melbourne, Australia, at the end of September for a holiday. As an urban sketcher, what was the first thing I did when I decided to have this trip? of course, contacting the local USk group.

I joined Melbourne USk's Facebook group and posted to tell I was visiting the city. A bunch of members commented and a few said they were joining me. It was surprising, but I felt so happy and welcome even though I hadn't gone there yet. This is the great thing about the community––we have a global network of people with the same passion and you can find some of them almost everywhere in the world. Me and a few sketchers decided to have a meeting on the 29th.

In addition, I contacted Viva. We met at the sketch outing at Shibamata, Tokyo, in April. Do you remember that? It was a big, memorable one. At the time, I didn’t expect I would see her again this soon. I didn’t expect we would have a whole two-day sketch walk… We planned to meet on the 30th.

On the 29th, I was joined by four people and started sketching at Flinders Street Station. I chose the location because it’s an iconic building. But you know, it’s a tough object. I’m not really used to drawing Western style architecture, so I struggled with the beautiful design and all the details.
I wanted to paint the sky because it was beautiful. The Melbourne sketchers said it’s very rare to have good weather like that in Melbourne. I told them about the Japanese word, 晴れ女 (hare-onnna, a woman who is always blessed with good weather. 晴れ男/hare-otoko is the male version). You might notice we never had bad weather for our monthly meet-ups so far even though sometimes the forecast said it was going to rain. Now there is a rumor that I might be a 晴れ女… Maybe I brought the sun to Melbourne…
空がきれいに晴れていたので着色したかったのですが、時間切れ。メルボルンでこんなに天気がいいのは珍しいと皆さん言っていたので、日本語の「晴れ女」という言葉を教えました。お気づきの方もいると思いますが、これまでのUSk Japanの月例会、雨に降られたことありませんよね。予報では悪く言っているときでさえ、実際には晴れていたり。。。そんなわけで、一部でわたしが晴れ女なんじゃないかと言われているのですが、どうやらメルボルンにも好天をもたらしてしまったようですね。。。はい、そんなことはさておき。

Though it was unfinished, I liked the sketch a lot as it shows what I really captured exactly on location in a limited time.

After lunch, we went to check out the riverside terrace of Yarra River.
Aww this is lovely (you might know my love for the riverside).
If I had been on my own, I wouldn’t have sat on the ground in a country I was visiting for the first time. But with local sketchers, I was brave enough. It was really nice taking time to observe and seeing the river flow and people pass by in front of me. I brought a light, thin sketchbook to Melbourne to make a casual travel journal, but the paper didn’t work with watercolor. So, I played with ZIG calligraphy markers. They are so convenient.

Apparently, the good weather made us super motivated. We even had the third round!

This is the former GPO (General Post Office), whose entire building has now turned into H&M (sad). We were a little tired, so we set a one-hour challenge––sketch this magnificent building just in one hour. I gave up following the details even before I tried and cut off the top part, which is the most important, for some reason. But we were proud we all managed to make a drawing in time.
こちら、現在は建物全体がH& Mになってしまった旧中央郵便局(東京駅のKITTEみたいだけど、KITTEのほうがH&Mよりいいね)。すでに疲れもあったので、ここでは一時間だけでこの見事な建物を描くという、一時間スケッチチャレンジをしました。わたしは端からディテールを追うのを諦め、なぜか一番大事な建物のトップを切り落としてしまいました(スケールを間違えて描けなかった)。が、全員が時間内でスケッチでき、満足感と一体感がありました。

So, here is Day 1. Next day, I didn’t expect to have a sketch walk again at first. But after having brunch with Viva, we were joined by a couple of sketchers and had a little catch up/teatime sketch at the Block Arcade.

Beautiful Victorian architecture. Quite tough though.

Then we went to check out Royal Botanic Gardens. It was a huuuuge place. We walked a lot, but still couldn’t see everything. And once again, we were blessed with good weather. Look how beautiful the reflection is!

We had tea again. Then, when we started to sketch, it was already getting chilly outside. So, we did a 30-min-ish challenge this time. Since I knew there was not enough time to do pen drawing, I tried direct watercolor for the first time and then gave definition with ballpoint. I’m not sure about the result, but I was satisfied I tried something new at least.

…Well, that is my meeting with Melbourne Urban Sketchers. I could go on and talk randomly more. But now I don’t know where to stop…lol Maybe I should wrap this up here. Usually I am a host and arrange events. This time, I was a guest and amazed how friendly and kind the Melbourne sketchers were. I didn’t plan out the trip at all (I’m lazy and random), but thanks to them guiding me around, I visited different places and had a super productive time. So, I just want to send them a big thank you (especially Viva! Can’t thank her enough). And once again, this is the greatest thing about Urban Sketchers. You can meet people sharing love and passion for sketching from around the world. I’m really happy being part of it now. So, if you come to Japan, especially Tokyo, feel free to contact us. We would always be happy to meet new people and go sketching together. Thanks for reading:)


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