【告知】Year-End Special Meet-Up / 四谷デッサン会×USk Japan年間総括・交流会
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[会場]四谷ひろば 2F コミュニティルーム2
[Place] Yotsuya Hiroba (Community Room 2 on 2nd floor)
[Date and Time] 1pm - 5pm on December 15
*Yotsuya Hiroba is a communrty center renovated from an abolished elementary school. The nearest station is Yotsuya 3-chome on Marunouchi Line. Check out the location on Google map below:
*A big thank you to the figure drawing group, Yotsuya Dessin-kai. They have greatly helped us have this meet-up at Yotsuya Hiroba.
From 1pm: Bring your sketchbooks and display them on tables to share sketches (mainly ones from the monthly meet-ups) and feedback (don't take it too serious!) with each other.
From 3:30pm: Demonstration of how to use the Faber-Castell products provided for the Hibiya meet-up and testing of the products. We have some extra, so we are going to distribute them to those participating in this meet-up. (Which item and how many you get depends on the number of participants.)
For the last monthly meet-up in 2019, we're having a special year-end gathering to review the whole year’s activities. It might sound serious, but it's going to be a casual, fun meeting where we just talk with each other and share what we do because we don’t have time for that in the tightly-scheduled monthly meet-ups. Also, we want the event to be an opportunity for those who have never joined a meet-up to see our sketches and know what urban sketch/Urban Sketchers is. Anyone will be welcome:)
As you see, the schedule is very loose. You can come and leave anytime. If you get bored, you can sketch at Yotsuya Hiroba (the facility of the former elementary school remains just as it was) and in the area around it.
*You can bring food and drinks (alcohol prohibited). Take your rubbish with you when you leave. As for drinks, ones with lids are recommended.
*We are going to collect donations for the management of the group and ask you to answer a questionnaire on our activities in the past year and future (Of course it's voluntary. Don't worry or hestate to join the meet-up if you are a first-timer).
Let us know if you're in. Checking "Going" or leaving a comment on the Facebook event would be appreciated. The comment box of this blog doesn't work. So please contact us through our Facebook (linked above) or instagram @uskjapan. We'll update the latest info in the discussion box of the Facebook event page on the day of the meet-up
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