Keep Recording Your Life–USk Japan’s Weekly Challenge / USkJオンラインスケッチ会と日々描くことについて

It’s already been eight weeks since we started a weekly online sketch challenge to make up for our monthly meet-ups, which we can’t do now. If you don’t know about it, check out our Facebook and Instagram. We announce a drawing prompt every week. Please join in by sketching following the week’s prompt and sharing your drawing online.
USk JapanのFacebookInstagramでウィークリー・スケッチ・チャレンジを始めてから、あっという間に8週間が経過しました。ご存知ない方はFB・IGをチェックしてみてください。毎週お題を出すので、それに沿ったスケッチをして、ソーシャルメディアでシェアするだけの簡単なチャレンジです。

In January last year, we started monthly sketch meet-ups. Through the meet-ups, the group got a lot of new members and grew big. We are good friends and inspire each other. As an admin, I don’t want the members to lose this connection just because of COVID-19. Instead, I want to encourage them to keep drawing, both inspiring and inspired, and stay connected to this community. That’s why I suggested doing an online challenge. Other USk groups are also doing similar things to keep them together and active in this time of crisis.

Well, actually, it was in the fifth week when I first tried to write this post. Then I put off the task for a very long time because I couldn’t put my thoughts together. The situation we are in is so frustrating and disturbing. A lot of things are happening, but at the same time it feels we are totally stuck. It has made my mind confused and prevented me from sorting out ideas. Though I’m always conscious about storytelling when I write, this time it was hard to find a story, or some consistency. But then I realized I don’t need to do that. I can just show our drawings here. We are going to see a story come through them spontaneously.

So, here’s a quick review on what we’ve been doing so far. All sketches are from our FB group. You can see more on Instagram.

第1週/Week 1
お気に入りのペン/Your favorite pen
By me with Kuretake's ZIG markers

By Ryoji-san with Lamy’s fountain pen
Trains were still crowded at the time!

第2週/Week 2
好きな色/Your favorite color
By Hanaoka-san
Fav color: pink

By Shirakawa-san
Phthalo Blue Red Shade, Pyrrole Red,
Imidazolone Leomon (Holbein)
Payne's Gray (W & N)
第3週/Week 3
一つの場所で二つのスケッチ/Two drawings for one place
By Casey-san
Traditional Japanese-style house before being demolished (one year ago)
By Casey-san
The house gone (demolished) (now)

By Shin-san, 1

By Shin-san, 2

第4週/Week 4
非利き手でスケッチ/Draw with your non-dominant hand
By Atsuko-san

By Kumi-san

第5週/Week 5
高い視点からスケッチ/Draw from a high angle
By Asami-san

By Nia

By Yoshida-san

第6週/Week 6
画材ではないものでスケッチ/Draw with non-drawing materials
By me
With a cherry twig

By Shin-san
With a popsicle stick

第7週/Week 7
少ない線で描く/Draw with fewer lines
By Hosouchi-san

By Kajigaya-san

By Kumi-san
This is amazing!!
第8週/Week 8
四角い平面の紙以外のものに描く/Draw on whatever you like, except square/rectangle-shaped paper

By Tomiyama-san
By Atsuko-san

[Some personal note]
For most of us, drawing is a hobby. Since COVID-19 has been affecting different aspects of our life and society, how much time/money/practice can be devoted to drawing must’ve been changed and the level of it must be different depending on the person. Personally, I want to be productive and creative by utilizing the increased time at home. On the other hand, there should be people who can’t or don’t want to spare time or money for drawing now. So, I don’t want to push people to draw. But I believe it’s good to keep drawing in the age of pandemic. Now we are in the middle of crisis. It’s hard to really understand what’s going on. Then, if you record your life by drawing, you can trace what has happened. And it will help process your thoughts and feelings, and cope with hard times. It might sound too big. But now I’m feeling the importance of journaling more than ever and it’s another reason why I wanted to start a weekly challenge. It can help have the habit to draw regularly. A drawing just captures part of your day. But if you continue, the drawings, collectively and spontaneously, start to tell what and how you see/hear/experience/feel/think. This is just meaningful :)
このコロナ禍は暮らしや社会のあらゆる面に影響を及ぼしているので、それによりスケッチや絵への向き合い方、費やせるお金や時間も人それぞれ変わってきていると思います。そんなこともあり、チャレンジを企画する一方で、あまり押し付けがましく「皆さんスケッチしましょう!」と言いたくないという気持ちもあったりします。ただ個人的には今この時代にスケッチを習慣的に続ける意義の大きさを感じています。わたしたちはまさにパンデミックのさなかにいて、現状何が起こり、これからどうなっていくのかよくわかっていません。でも、スケッチを通して暮らしを記録していくことで、何があったかを後々振り返ることができ、それは自分の思考や感じたことを整理する助けにもなるかと思います。ウィークリーでお題を出したかったのもそのためで、日々描く習慣を持つ一助になれば幸いです。一つのスケッチは日々のある場面を切り取ったものですが、描き続けることで集合的にそこにストーリーができていき、そのとき何をどう見聞きし、経験し、感じて考えたのかが自然と見えてくるはずです :)


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