Meet Your USkJ Friends Interview: Boonhau

USkJメンバーをインタビュー形式で紹介するシリーズ、Meet Your USkJ Friends。今回フィーチャーするのはマレーシア出身のBoonhau(愛称はハオ)くんです。彼も以前紹介したニア(Lavinia)やわたしと同世代で、現在は東京の大学院で建築を学んでいます。USkJには2018年10月原宿でのスケッチクロールからの参加。わたしもその場にいましたが、みんなで原宿駅をスケッチしているところハオくんが「アーバンスケッチャーズですか?」と声をかけてきたこと、それから途中参加で、あの解体が予定されている趣深い木造の旧駅舎をあっという間に描き上げ、みんな驚いたことをよく覚えています。建築を学んでいることもあり、複雑な建築構造や込み入った通りの景色を捉えるスキルはさすが。インタビューの最後に建築を描くコツについても聞いているので、ぜひ最後までお楽しみください:)(今回も英語で行ったインタビューに日本語をつけています。完全な翻訳ではありません。)
Here’s a new episode of Meet Your USkJ Friends, a series of interviews with USkJ members. This time I interviewed Boonhau (Hau) from Malaysia. He is the same generation as me and Nia, who is featured in a previous episode, and now studying architecture at a grad school in Tokyo. He joined USkJ in October, 2018, when we had a sketchcrawl in Harajuku. I remember well that he suddenly asked us if we were urban sketchers while we were sketching Harajuku Station and then surprised us by quickly and amazingly drawing the old wooden building of the station, which is to be demolished now that the new building has opened. As he is an architecture student, he has the great skill of capturing intricate architectural structures and busy street scenes. I asked a question about tips of drawing architecture in this interview. Hope you enjoy reading:)

1: When did you start sketching? How did you get involved in the USk community?

I started to sketch when I enrolled in architecture around 7 years ago. Before that I knew nothing about sketching. During that time, I do it mainly for the purpose of course work. I can’t remember why it suddenly became my hobby. But, vaguely is one of my friends who influenced me. I knew USk community when I was studying, but I never joined the sketching group until I started to work. It was through a Facebook event for me to get involved with the sketching community. It takes me some time and courage to really go out and sketch with some many people that I don't know at all. But, it is a good way to spend my weekend.

新宿、中井/Nakai, Shinjuku

2: What do you like to sketch (people, architecture, nature, etc.)?

Even though I study architecture, I prefer to sketch people more than building. Small buildings probably yes but I usually avoid sketching big buildings because it is out of my control. People  are best because the second moment you raise your head and try to check how to continue next it will change to a different pattern, so you have to either do it very fast or play with it with your own imagination. It’s challenging. I like to sketch a very compact scene with many things here and there, I feel it is worth it for me to spend several hours just checking it and drawing. Also, I like line drawing, so if I find nothing to sketch I will turn to electric posts. 

3: Show us your favorite sketch done in Japan and tell us about it.

I am interested to Japanese traditional streets. They are compact and full of attractive elements. These drawings were drawn in Shibamata. Each shop comes with different contents, so I want to capture them as a series of drawings.

4: Name your favorite sketcher(s) if any.

I don’t know much about other sketchers, but from those who I meet before:
Kiah Kiean from USk Penang
I like his drawing stroke and the way he combines ink with tree branch to draw.
(あまり他のスケッチャーのことを知りませんが、会ったことがある人から選ぶと、USkペナンのKiah Kieanです。彼の筆運びと、インクと木の枝を組み合わせて描くスタイルが好きです。)

5: Show us your sketch kit (sketchbook, pen, watercolor, etc.) (Please attach the photo of it.)

I mainly use pen to sketch, sometimes a little bit of color. 

6: What has urban sketch brought to your life?

It allows me to travel in a different manner. When I travel alone, people will come and talk to me while I am sketching, so I got the chance to talk with local people easily even though I don’t know their language. In another way, I get to know more people with it. I don’t take pictures much, so sketching has become my way of memory recording. For me, able to draw in the street is not an easy task to begin with, because so many strangers will look at me and I will feel shy, but it is no longer an issue now. I can say I gain some confidence from here.


7: You always capture architectural structures amazingly. What should we focus on when drawing them?

It comes with scale, proportion and perspective but for me it doesn't need to be perfect and accurate as long as it makes you feel good. I will suggest trying to look at the outline or profile of the architecture you want to capture. It makes it easy to figure the overall image on how to present it. Distorting it as much as you like if you feel it is difficult to draw it perfectly. I think it is more fun and probably you might find your own way of representation. I usually separate what I saw into several layers then draw them layer by layer. But when I am lazy, I only focus on one part of the building then I will extend the rest out of it, this method allows me to show the contrast easily at the same time it looks finished even if it is not finished actually.



His answer to the last question (tips of drawing architecture) is quite helpful, isn’t it? The scale and perspective in his drawings are always great, but they are not completely accurate (accuracy is not necessarily important as he said) and instead there are twists and distortions, which bring the drawings dynamism. I believe many of you wonder how one can draw like that. You can try the methods he introduced here (I’ll do that too). We will have more interviews with other sketchers. We might ask you to have one in the future. Also let us know if you want to take part. Thanks for reading. See you in the next post!


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