みんなもっと繋がろう!Meet your USkJ friends Interview: Hiromi(寛美) san
まだまだ続く友達インタビュー🎶 今回は、石井寛美(ひろみ)さんです。私の住む横浜から、さらに西に電車で1時間の小田原にお住まいです。早速お話を伺いましょう。
Let us interview Ms. Hiromi Ishii, who lives in Odawara, a suburban city close to Hakone and Mt.Fuji, located a 1.5hr train ride from Tokyo.
Q. 初めてお会いしたのは横浜でしたね。どのように知って参加するようになったのか聞かせてください。
What made you come to join us?
I first found Urban Sketchers Japan while searching the word “Sketch” on Facebook. The activity reports looked very exiting, and I got interested in the announcements of the meetings that came up frequently.
The first time I participated was the monthly meeting in Yokohama in May last year. I was nervous, but everybody welcomed me and talked to me. It was a refreshing experience to me, with people of various ages and foreigners participating.
Bright sunny day at Red Brick Warehouse, May 2019
Yokohama Motomachi, October 2019 (the first on the left)
I post sketch reports on Facebook, and use Instagram to post weekly challenges and daily sketches.
Q. インスタを拝見すると、毎日の生活でスケッチを楽しまれていますよね。何をスケッチするのが好きですか? We can see you enjoy daily sketching on your Instagram. What do you like to sketch the most?
I often sketch landscapes, but I’d like to draw people more to add movements and tell the atmosphere of the scene.
At the Sumida Jazz Festival, I drew more people than I had ever done before. It was an extremely hot day, but my brush was swinging with the rhythm of jazz. What a luxurious moment it was!
I enjoy sketching in my neighborhood in the current pandemic. When I wake up early, I go for a walk with a sketchbook. I carry a smaller size to make it easier to hold and sketch while stopping for 5 to 10 minutes on my walk. It’s nice to find how those things look different with the seasons - flowers in bloom, colors of trees, and views of the sky - even at the same spot. When drawing a landscape, I often add some flowers. I love to grow and draw them.
Q. 地元のスケッチ会にも参加されているんですよね。USkJに参加してみて変わったことや違いはありますか? By joining USkJ, have you found any changes with you? Any difference from the local sketching group you’re in?
Since I participated in the USkJ meetings, I’ve got the ability to sketch everywhere. I was too embarrassed to sketch in town or in front of my friends before, but now I have no hesitation at all (lol)
At the USkJ meetings, it’s very exciting for me to receive information on various art materials that cannot be heard at the local sketch gatherings. So I’m getting more art materials now, which is also fun.
Furthermore, sketching in Tokyo also means a sightseeing for me, so I'm always looking forward to knowing where to sketch next.
Q. ご自身でいろいろスケッチに行かれた中で、思い出深いスケッチはありますか?
Could you show us some of the most memorable sketches for you till today?
One of the most memorable ones is the sketch I did at the Yoroizuka Farm (near Ishigakiyama Castle Historical Park) in Odawara.
I was able to concentrate on drawing in the hot weather while talking with people working in the farm, when no other visitors were around yet. I found it precious to have the motivation to go out alone.
Another happy moment was that my friend gave me a ride to Nagano and I was able to sketch Obusedo (a Japanese confectionery shop) in early August this year.
This is what I drew while waiting in line to enter the cafe.
Q. USkJでの活動として、今後どんなことをしてみたいですか?
What would you like to do in the future as an USkJ activity?
I hope to find more people who come to show us wonderful sceneries from all over Japan, like Maya and Niya. We can enjoy virtual trips from a sketcher’s point of view.
I’m from Odawara city, Kanagawa prefecture and am probably one of the participants who travel from the place farthest away to join the regular meetings in Tokyo. Odawara has the sea, mountains, and a castle. Hakone is also nearby. I would love everyone to come to sketch, when the pandemic is over. I’m looking forward to that day.
川の土手(富士山が良く見えます)Mount Fuji from the river bank
Q. アーバンスケッチャーズのコミュニティーか、その他でも、好きなスケッチャーを3名ほど教えてください。Tell us 3 of your favorite sketchers in USk community or else maybe.
下北沢のカフェで恵子さん(手前)敦子さん(奥)と。久美さん撮影。Hiromi (in the center) with Keiko and Atsuko at a cafe in Shimokitazawa. (Photo by Kumi)
Well, I could say this sketch leads me here to interview her today. It was such a happy moment as an urban sketcher. It's always wonderful to get together with like-minded people for the first time, as if we've known each other for a long time through sketching!
Let's all get together in Odawara some day!
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