Let Us Know about Your Urban Sketch in 2020 / 2020年とアーバンスケッチ


Hi, it's been a while since my last post. Well, I know it's a bit too early to wrap up this year. But time passes so fast and "too early" is better than "too late". So, here we're looking back on the year of 2020.


2020 has been a tough year for everyone. COVID-19 has been affecting many aspects of life and society. I know some people can't spare time for sketching because their life has greatly changed while others have been drawing more at/around their home as they go out less than before. One thing common to all of us is that there is something different than last year regarding our approach to sketching, how often we sketch, what we sketch, etc. So, I'd like you to compare 2020 with 2019 and share what your sketching life has been like this year. I'll write the details about how to share, but before that, I'll do a quick review of USkJ's activities in 2020.


2019 was a year of expansion for USkJ. We started monthly sketch meetups and a lot of new members joined us. We collaborated with Faber-Castell in October and had a special exchange meeting in December. Some companies/organizations contacted us for collaboration and we started to talk. At the end of 2019, we expected the group would expand even more in 2020. But, as you know, we cancelled monthly sketch outings after the one at Ueno in February and never physically met up ever since. Actually, though we were happy about our expansion last year, it was quite hard for us to manage the growing group, even without COVID-19. Considering this, we need to have a better planning of group management first in order to recommence meetups, which seems to be difficult for at least a few months ahead.


Then, is 2020 a year of shrinking? I don't think so, and I'd rather say it's a year of deepening and rediscovering. Since we avoid physically meeting up, we have tried out a few ideas using social media to encourage the members' online interactions. Through that, we've got to know more about each other and be inspired. In actual meetups, we could physically share a time, place, and experience, and communicate in person. But, while sketching, we were too focused on our own drawing to have a conversation. Also, as the group was getting bigger and bigger, it was sometimes hard just to know who and how many were in the group and we couldn't talk with each other. So, although now we may look less active on the surface, the group has been growing in a true way. Having time and opportunities to get to know each other is better for us than just becoming a big group.


I'm feeling I'm writing too long already, so let's have a look at what we did online this year.

1. ウィークリーチャレンジ/ Weekly sketch prompts


We provided a new sketch prompt every week from March to June, for example drawing with your non-dominant hand and a day in the life (sketching three scenes or more to tell your day). The prompts were fun and challenging, which made participants struggle and try something new. I talked about the weekly promts on this blog post.


My take on drawing with your non-dominant hand. I found I could draw somehow with my left (non-dominant) hand.


A day in my life. I was completely stuck at home at that time and could only sketch inside my house, which was quite boring. But you can make a fun sketch spread by combining such mundane scenes with your own hands and creativity.

2. オンライン月例スケッチ会/ Monthly online show & tells


Since July, we've been having monthly show & tells on Facebook, where we bring and share sketches done in the month. While we enjoyed visiting and sketching the same place together in the physical meetups we had before, we can see different views from different areas in Japan in the current virtual events.


My contribution in November.

3. USkJメンバーインタビュー/ Meet Your USkJ interview series


In July, we also launched a new blog series, Meet Your USkJ Friends, where we interview USkJ members. You can read all the post from here. Each post is very informative and inspiring, and you'll definitely find something helpful. We'll post more interviews, so stay tuned :)



From the interview with Hosouchi-san, where the conversation with Shin-san is so much fun. (But this is only in Japanese. Try use Google Translation!)








・投稿には、ハッシュタグ#myurbansketchin2020 を添えること。


That's what we did in 2020. Now I'd like to hear from you guys. Please let us know about your sketching life this year following the guidelines :)


Until December 20 (Sunday)

[Guidelines for sharing]

・Compare 2020 with 2019 and share what you started, changed, discovered, and learned this year attaching two to five sketches.

・You can share it on any social media you like such as Facebook, Instgram, and your own blog/website. It will get more attention if you share a link on FB in case you write on your own blog/website.

・If you live outside Japan, you can take part indeed! I'm writing this in English because it's open to everyone including outside Japan. We can't mention your sharing on USkJ's social media (because there we only share sketches done in Japan), but we'll check it out :)

・Don't forget to include the hashtag, #myurbansketchin2020.

You don't have to share a very special thing. I'd like to hear each member's personal story about sketching. You can talk about a pen that you started using this year, influence from your favorite sketcher, or anything you'd like to share. I'll pick up some of your posts and share them on this blog.


I look forward to hearing what your sketching life has been like this year. Stay safe and enjoy sketching. Thank you for reading! See you next time.


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