Meet your USkJ friends: interview with Ryoji Nakayama

今回インタビューしたのは、面白い経歴をお持ちのRyoji Nakayamaさんです。
This time I interviewed Ryoji Nakayama who has quite a unique career.

Sketching in Nepal


7年位前ですかね。25歳の時に毎日何かをスケッチしようと思ってはじめました。元々、私は商社勤務で、その時の会社が東京の虎ノ門にあったのですが、虎ノ門はビルばかりで緑が少ないということから、これは良くないなと思って、緑地とか庭園を作る仕事に興味を持ったんです。その後働きながら、ランドスケープデザインというのを学び始めたのですが、そこの先生が毎日何でもいいからスケッチしなさい、ということがきっかけでした。中学の時とかは絵が好きで、漫画家になりたいと思って、ギャグ漫画とか描いてましたから、良いきっかけで絵の楽しさを思い出せたな~と感じます。ギャグ漫画家はネタが浮かばなくて諦めたのですが… それから商社を辞めて、ニュージーランドのクライストチャーチというところに引っ越してランドスケープの仕事をするんですが、その時地元のスケッチグループに所属していたんです。そこでは月2回(確か)土曜日にみんなで集まって、街とか、建物とかを自由に描くみたいな活動をしていました。そこのメンバーがUSkのニュージーランド版に所属していて、そこでUSkのことを知りました。ただ自分の住んでいた都市では特に活動はしていなかったようなので、そのときは特に関わりはありませんでした。 その後日本に戻り、みんなでスケッチする感覚が懐かしくて検索してみたらUSkJ を発見し、今に至る…という感じです。 話は違いますが、今虎ノ門に緑を作るプロジェクトにも関わっていて、考えたことは意外と実現できるものだなあと感じています。

When did you start sketching? And how do you get involved in the USk/USkJ community?

I guess it was around 7years ago? my landscape design teacher advised me that sketching something every day is a good way to improve the drawing skill. I don't know everybody knows that but now I am working as a landscape designer, but my previous job was completely different. Originally, I was working for a trading company, in Toranomon, Tokyo. At that time, Toranomon was full of buildings and not much greenery, and I thought it was not good for people working there, then I became interested in the job field to create green spaces and gardens. After that, while working in the company, I started to study landscape design. And that was my origin of the sketching history. I liked drawing when I was a child and wanted to be a cartoonist when I was around 15 years old, so it was a good opportunity to remember the fun part of the drawing. I knew about the USk, not in Japan but Newzeland. After quitting the trading company, I moved to Christchurch, New Zealand to work as a gardener, and at that time I had belonged to a local sketching group that held the sketching event twice a month Saturday. Their style was quite similar to the USk(J), like sketching outside scenery or buildings, whatever they feel they want to on the site, but that was just a local group. Some of the members of that sketching group came from a different city of New Zealand and they had the experience of joining the New Zealand version of the USk, then I knew this existence from them. Although I've never related to the USk there, after coming back to Japan, I missed the feeling of sketching together with people and found USkJ. I immediately sent a message and here I am. It's not the story about sketching, but I'm currently involved in a project to build greenery in Toranomon, and I feel that what we think of can be realized unexpectedly.
New Zealandにて
Drew in New Zealand



what do you like to sketch particularly? ( people, architect, street crowds, food, etc)

I like to draw landscapes with people. I especially enjoy drawing lively places, because it makes the picture come alive. These days it's difficult to find time to draw, so I draw in places where I have nothing to do, such as on the train. I sometimes draw structures and architecture, but actually, I don't like to draw scenery where I have to repeat the same lines over and over again because it makes me tired. Also, I like to draw in a short time, and I always wish I could draw in a simpler way.
Inside the mountain cottage in Northan Japanese Alps during the time of blizard.



What's brought urban sketching in your life?

Although I like sketching, I don't do much sketching when I get busy because I prioritize other things. The only time I sketched these days were when I was on the train, and I was in the mountain stuck in a human traffic jam and I couldn't move. Sketching is like a meditation, I can be quiet mode wherever I am. I think, for me, USkJ created an opportunity to draw again. After coming back to Japan, I didn't sketch for a while because I missed interacting with people. And then, I contacted USkJ, I participated in my first event at Togoshi Ginza(if it is correct), and I've been drawing ever since. Everybody's drawings are inspired me a lot, and I always feel I need to keep up with them. I haven't been able to draw much after the pandemic since all the sketching events were canceled. I know there are some online, but now I need to meet people in person to motivate me to draw.
This was the first one done in this year's USk Japan sketch event
Sketched while hiking where jam packed by climbers

Q4, 好きなスケッチャーは誰?

James Richards でしょうか。彼の本を読んで野外スケッチをやってみようと思い、今の絵を描くようになったので。元々、スケッチを始めたときは身近なもの、コップとか、果物とか、手元にあるものを描いていただけなのですが、この本に出会って、アーバンスケッチにも挑戦するようになりました。

Name your favorite / inspirational sketchers.

James Richards, I think. After reading his book "Freehand Drawing & Discovery", I decided to try outdoor sketching, and that's how I came to do my current sketching. When I started sketching, I just drew things that were close at hand, like cups, fruits, etc. But when I came across this book, I started to try urban sketching.
Sketch done in Colorado, USA
Lit up Tokyo station

Q5, USkJでやってみたいことはありますか?


Are there anything you want to try as USkJ activity?

Well, I hope we have a sketching event again! I'm looking forward to getting back all together again.

スケッチ会では、短時間に群衆のいる複雑な街の景観を描きあげていたのを何度か見せていただいていましたが、次回ご一緒する機会があれば, ぜひその手際のいい、スケッチのプロセスも見せていただきたいなと思ってます。
I have seen his sketches that captured intricate town views including multiple people in them, now I crave to observe his efficient prosee directly when we have chance to meet at sketch gathering next time.


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