Story Sharing with Yourself / 自分と語らう時間を持つこと

危機です。この数か月スケッチ欲が減退しています。たまに描いてはいるのですが、何かが違う。なんだか気分が上がらない。理由はいくつか思いつきます。年明けから年度末にかけてやけに忙しかったこと、生活のちょっとした変化、そしてコロナ……。コロナ禍によりUSk Japanが都内でのスケッチ会を中止してから早1年以上。実際に会ってコミュニケーションできないかわりに現在はオンラインで交流しており、それもとても意義深いのですが、やっぱり何か足りない感覚はあります。まあ、たんにコロナがもたらした生活の制限や社会的状況により憂鬱になっているだけかもしれません。

I’m in crisis. Well, this sounds too dramatic. But I’ve been uninspired to sketch for a couple of months. How did this start? I think of a few reasons… being busy with work, a few changes in life, and COVID-19. It’s more than a year since USk Japan had the last official physical meetup in Tokyo. Instead, we can communicate through the Internet and it’s encouraging. Though, I feel something is missing, something is wrong. I don’t know exactly where this feeling comes from. More or less, everyone is having a hard time under this pandemic. Maybe my gloomy mood is just part of it.

しかし、この落ち込み気味な数か月に気がついたことがありました。それは、これまで自分が「世界中とシェアすること」をあまりに重視していたということ。そもそも、自分の周りで起きていることを記録し、そのストーリーを語ることは、Urban Sketchersの大切なミッションです。わたしはそのコンセプトを尊重するし、絵を通して自分が見聞きし経験したことを世界に伝えられる点がアーバンスケッチの魅力だと思っています。特にコロナの流行以降は、今こそ積極的に描きに行き、パンデミック下の暮らしを記録していこうと考え、よりレポタージュとしてのスケッチに重心を置き、より多くシェアするよう努めてきました。それはまったく間違った考えではなかったのですが、ただ人に語りかける前に、自分自身に語る時間を十分にとっていなかったことに気がついたのです。

But, during these few months of struggling, I realized one thing. I had been too focused on the “share the story with this whole world” aspect. In the first place, documenting what’s happening around you and telling the story is an important mission of Urban Sketchers. I really appreciate the concept. I like how I can show what I see and experience through drawing. Especially after this pandemic happened, I paid more attention to reportage and tried to share more with people. That’s because I thought it was time for an urban sketcher with a mission to get out to draw and tell the world what life is like under a pandemic. Well, that’s not wrong. But, before talking to people, I didn’t take enough time to talk to myself.


After I realized this, I stopped explaining the whole thing in Instagram captions (I would often write a very long caption as you know if you’ve been following my Instagram for a while). Instead, I decided to keep the story to myself and fully taste the moment.


Here’s an example. I made this sketch while drinking coffee sitting on the bench in front of a small local coffee stand. When I was sketching, I listened to conversations between the owner and customers. Usually I would take notes of what they were talking about and what the customers looked like. But, at that time, I chose not to do that and focused on just enjoying the moment. So, I remember almost nothing about the conversations or customers anymore. Instead, I remember I made the most of the time with myself.


Recording is important. What you have drawn and written will become your treasure in the future. Also, since not everyone has the chance to see and experience what you see and experience (and vice versa), sharing what you’ve recorded helps exchange unknown worlds and new discoveries. On the other hand, it is only you who can experience what you are experiencing at the moment. It just belongs to you, and you don’t always have to tell it to people. Sometimes you can have it all to yourself. Maybe this approach goes against the major idea of urban sketching, “telling the story to the world”. But, at the same time, it can also be regarded as the most urban sketch approach in that you are committed to the place and time when you’re drawing. When you immerse yourself in the moment, you can really enjoy and relax by yourself. That is the importance of sharing the experience just with yourself :)

At Funabashi Port 船橋港で

In front of McDonald マクドナルドの前で

While waiting at the hospital 病院の待合スペースで


  1. Beautiful post! Sometimes when drawing you get so focused that you don't even realize what's going on around you and you "wake up" when The sketch is completed


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