
Showing posts from October, 2021

Solo SKetchWalk around Shiodome to Takeshiba Wharf

After finished my commishioned work in an office in Tokyo, instead of heading for nearest station to go home, I chose the route I have never been for a change. Then I found pretty interesting view, and lucily there were stoned stools there alongside the sidewalk. Oh, this must be a kind of gift opportunity for me to relax and to draw. 東京に出てきたついでに直帰せず、行った事のない道を行ってみようと歩いていたら、いい景色と石のベンチがあるじゃないですか。ここでゆっくりして描いていきなさいよってことしょ?ってありがたく腰掛けて久々にのんびりとスケッチ。 Then I had lunch in a less crowded ( I mean almost empty) Italian restaurant I encountered on the way, so I spent time leisurely there. Thanks to the lady who offered me picles ( appetizer) double. 道中で見つけたレストランでは、前菜の野菜のピクルスをよかったらもう一皿いかがですか、とお勧めいただいたのでこれもありがたくいただきました。牡蠣のパスタもボリューミーでハッピーでした。 After lunch, I still felt like exploring something more. I saw the sign that says in the direction ahead I'll be Takeshiba Wharf. I have longed for the opportunity to get to the seaside, so I went there. I fit myself a spot where I was able to see ...

Hiking and sketching at Mt. Jiromaru in Amakusa / 山行きスケッチ@次郎丸嶽(天草)

 子どもが次郎丸岳にはまって、今日でもう3回目。1回目に家族で行ってからまた行きたいと言うので連れて行った2回目からタイムチャレンジだと言って走って登っている。全くついていけず一歩一歩ようやく登って私が到着する頃には頂上で優雅に寝転んで本を読んだりして待っている。   My son is into mountain climbing now and so we visited Mt. Jiromaru for the third time today. He fell in love with this mountain when we came a few months ago and wanted to go again, so I took him the second time, and he started running up the mountain saying he wanted to see how fast he could climb to the top. So there is no way I can climb with him since I am panting up the mountain one step at a time, let alone run. He is lying down at the top, reading a book when I finally get there.  次郎丸の頂上エリアは、そんな風に過ごしたくなるのも分かる天空のプラットフォームのような場所で、大きくて滑らかな石の上から天草を囲む海とそこに浮かぶ小さな島々が見渡せるまさに絶景スポットだ。寝転んだり読書したり音楽を聞いたりするのにこんなに最高の場所も珍しい。九州百名山に選ばれるたのもよく分かる。  The area atop Mt. Jiromaru is like a platform in the sky made by a large smooth rock from which you can view the sea and the small islands surrounding Amakusa, so it is understandable that he wants to get up there as ...