Sketches from the Year-End and New Year Holiday 2021-2022 / 年末年始に描いたスケッチ

2021 was the busiest year for me. What I hate about being busy is that it undermines creativity. Overwork does not only cause decreased time of drawing, but also diminishes the ability of appreciating art. I was uninspired for the last few months. So, I decided to spend time winding down and immersing myself in drawing during the year-end and New Year holiday. Here are some of the results.


December 31 (New Year's Eve)

I sketched a quiet back alley near Funabashi Station, which was busy with people out for shopping. I was also there to run errands, but squeezed in time to sketch. It was too cold to draw outside though... I think the simple ballpoint lines kind of match the bleakness of a cloudy winter day.


January 2

Warm-up thumbnail sketch. I broke down the view into a few simple shapes. It worked out.


January 3

It was relatively warm compared to the previous few days. I enjoyed strolling along the river and found a good spot to sketch at by the bridge. I sat on a stone step, watching two people fishing and recording the calm moment. My original intention was to make the bridge stand out. When I drew the wires, I thought they were unnecessary and extra. But, after I posted the sketch on Instagram, some people gave comments and told the wires are nice. Now I kind of like them.


Also I made a little collection of sketches of what I ate during the New Year's. My family doesn't have a full set of osechi (Japanese New Year foods) dishes, but only picks some favorites. For the first few days of the New Year, I craved for donuts for some reason. So, I visited a coffee shop which serves the best donuts as well as good coffee. These drawings were made in a RHODIA Touch Pen & Inkwash Book. Check out the reviews by Kumi-san and Shin-san on the RHODIA Touch products if you want to know more (Note: Only available in Japanese).


As you can see, all the sketches above are simple. Not much time spent, not detailed or heavily worked on, but easygoing and relaxed. My current focus is on quickly and economically capturing a scene, like taking a snapshot. I've always stuck to this idea, but recently I got a new inspiration that stimulated my love for simple drawing.


Back to some time earlier...

On December 19, I hosted a small sketch meetup at my favorite neighborhood, Kuramae.


It was a fun time. See this post on Facebook for more photos.


After the meetup, I visited a gallery/creative residency called Almost Perfect. An artist named Mariko Jesse hold her solo show there. She is a printmaker and illustrator, but she also sketches and it's her sketches that attracted me.

このスケッチ会の後、Almost Perfectというギャラリー/クリエイティブレジデンスに行き、ジェシー万里子さんという方の個展を見てきました。彼女は木版画やイラストの制作を仕事にしているのですが、素敵なスケッチも描かれるのです。

Simply drawn with pen and painted with large watercolor washes. I like this effortlessly achieved balance. Check out her Instagram for more artwork. Her illustration and mokuhanga works are lovely too.


During the holiday, I also spent plenty of time at home just chilling and looking at other artists' drawings.


Name a couple of favorite sketchers...

I mentioned Elizabeth Alley in this interview. I'm a fan of her sketch journal, the everydayness of her sketches. They make me try to look harder at familiar things such as mugs and appreciate them.

Elizabeth AlleyさんについてはUSkJインタビューのなかでも名前を出しました。彼女のスケッチジャーナル、日々にスケッチが息づいてるかんじが好きです。彼女のスケッチを見ていると、マグカップみたいな何でもない身近なものももっとよく見て味わおうという気持ちにさせられます。

Last year, I introduced a workshop run by Lis Watkins on Facebook. She shared the details on her blog, so you can try.

去年、FacebookでLis Watkinsさんのワークショップを紹介しました。彼女自身のブログでも詳細が書かれているので、ワークショップの内容にチャレンジできます(記事は英語です)。

She's a skilled illustrator. I know her simple-looking sketches are elaborately composed and it's quite hard to balance the lines, colors, and white space like she does. But the general idea I learned from her is making every mark count and being brave to leave a lot of white space!


Here's what my winter holiday was like. It was great having time off to restore and recharge. How was your holiday? Which artist/sketcher inspires you? I'd love to hear. Also, I wish you all the best wishes for the new year. Stay safe and enjoy sketching. See you in my next post:)



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