[インストラクター紹介2/Meet our instructors 2] Urban Sketching Weekend Skills Series, Tsudanuma


インストラクター紹介2/Meet our instructors 2

ベン・ルック/Ben Luk(Instagram:@sketcher_ben

今回紹介するのは香港からのゲスト・インストラクター、USk Hong Kongの共同創設者であるベン・ルックさんです。もともと日本好きで、過去にも日本国内をスケッチしながら旅したり、わたしたちUSk Japanとも一緒に描いたりしていましたが、今回はインストラクターとしてイベントに参加してくれます。
Here we'll introduce Ben Luk from USk Hong Kong. He likes Japan, so he traveled and sketched around Japan a few times before. He's also sketched with USk Japan, but this time he's coming to Japan as an instructor.

As a foodie, Ben excels at sketching scenes including food. You may want to draw delicious food served at your favorite café or a restaurant that you visit on your trip, but it's not easy to finish sketching without going hungry or getting food cold if you don't know tips. In Ben's demo and workshop, you can learn how to capture food quickly while enjoying eating.


In the demo, you can see the process in which Ben sketches a dish. There is a Q&A session in the end. Ben's demo is combined with a drink & draw session, where you can sketch while drinking and socializing with fellow sketchers. It'll be a good and fun opportunity to exchange techniques and information with other sketchers.

In the workshop, participants will practice and learn to capture basic shapes of food with fast lines, understand warm and cool watercolors, and use mixed media in different combinations.
 Ben will teach how to use watercolor effectively for food painting, which I think can also be adapted to other sketching scenes not including food.

<プログラム情報/Activity info>

デモ(講師:ベン・ルック) +ドリンク&ドロー @ Longhorn(Google map
Demo by Ben Luk + Drink & Draw @Longhorn (Google map)
- 4月1日(土)10時~13時 /10am - 1pm, April 1 (Sat) 
- チェックイン場所:丸田集会所(Google map)/Check-in site: Maruta Meeting Room (Google map)
*Be sure to arrive at the check-in site by 30 minutes before the activity starts.
*The demo will be from 10 to 11. After 11, we will have a drink & draw session. The first drink is included in the ticket price.

ワークショップ(講師:ベン・ルック) @ MICHIYA(Google map
Workshop by Ben Luk @ MICHIYA (Google map)
- 4月1日(土)16時~19時 /4pm - 7pm, April 1 (Sat) 
- チェックイン場所:MICHIYA(Google map)/Check-in site: MICHIYA (Google map)
- 持ち物:水彩絵の具、線画用のペン(耐水性のドローイングペンやボールペン)、筆または水筆、水彩画に使用できる紙・スケッチブック、ワックス色鉛筆(ない場合は少量ですが現場で貸出あり) 
- Supply list: watercolor, drawing pens, colour wax pencils, watercolour brushes, paper/sketchbook suitable for watercolor use
*Be sure to arrive at the check-in site by 30 minutes before the activity starts.
*This workshop includes dishes to sketch. Food catering fee (1,000 yen) is charged. Participants will eat the dishes after sketching. The portion will be smaller than regular size.



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