[インストラクター紹介3/Meet our instructors 3] Urban Sketching Weekend Skills Series, Tsudanuma


インストラクター紹介3/Meet our instructors 3

ロブ・スケッチャーマン/Rob Sketcherman(Instagram:@robsketcherman

3人目に紹介するのは、またも香港(USk Hong Kong)からのゲスト・インストラクター、ロブ・スケッチャーマンさんです。彼はUrban Sketchersによるオンライン配信トークショー、USk Talksのホストとしてよく知られていますね。ベンと同様に日本好きで、昨年も来日してUSk Japanと一緒にスケッチをしました。
The third instructor we'll introduce is Rob Sketcherman from USk Hong Kong. He might be best known as the great host of USk Talks, the live streamed talk show by Urban Sketchers. He also likes Japan and sketched with USk Japan when he traveled to Japan last year.

Rob is a leading iPad artist in the USk community. His iPad sketches are dynamic, colorful, and full of stories. But, in this event, he will give a demo and workshop on people drawing so that anyone can take his lecture. People give a pop of life to your sketch. However, it's not easy to analyze and capture human figures quickly when people don't pause for you like figure drawing models. You can learn tips for people drawing to make your sketch tell a story through Rob's lecture.

In the demo, Rob will show how he sketches people. This is not an iPad-specialized demo, but it will be a good opportunity to see how he uses his iPad.

In the workshop, participants will practice and learn to analyze/simplify figures, continue sketching when people move before you're done drawing them, and capture little stories together with a variety of characters. Rob is not only a great sketcher but a friendly and kind instructor, so enjoy interaction with him as well as learning.

<プログラム情報/Activity info>

Demo by Rob Sketcherman @venue TBA
- 4月1日(土)14時30分~15時30分 /2.30pm - 3.30pm, April 1 (Sat)
- チェックイン場所:丸田集会所(Google map)/Check-in site: Maruta Meeting Room (Google map)
*Be sure to arrive at the check-in site by 30 minutes before the activity starts.
*This is not an iPad-specialized demo. The drawing tips can be adapted to sketching scenes using traditional mediums.

ワークショップ(講師:ロブ・スケッチャーマン)@鷺沼城址公園(Google map
Workshop by Rob Sketcherman @Saginuma Castle Site Park (Google map)

- 4月2日(日)10時~13時 /10am - 1pm, April 2 (Sun)
- チェックイン場所:丸田集会所(Google map)/Check-in site: Maruta Meeting Room (Google map)
*Be sure to arrive at the check-in site by 30 minutes before the activity starts.
*Supply list: basic sketchbook for fast sketches and experimentation, sketchbook with better paper for your final piece, something to support your kit, blue pencil for under drawings, various pens (ball-point, roller-ball, markers), brush pens, your favorite choice of color medium, sun protection (a hat/umbrella/sunscreen), stool if you want one. iPads (degital wrawing with tablet) welcome too!
*This is not an iPad-specialized workshop. Any mediums are welcome.


価格表/Price list


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