[イベント告知/Event Info] Urban Sketching Weekend Skills Series, Tsudanuma
Urban Sketching Weekend Skills Series, Tsudanuma
さて、USk Japanでは4月の頭に香港の有名スケッチャーを招いて2DAYイベントを行います!USk Japanとしては過去最大の規模!少しずつ詳細が固まってきましたので、タイムテーブル・価格表・開催地情報などを公開します。まだ暫定的な情報もありますが、そちらはSNSを通じて随時更新。もう少しアクティビティも追加予定です。チケット販売も近日開始します。興味のある方はぜひスケジュール確保していただければ幸いです。
We're happy to announce our biggest weekend event where we're collaborating with instructors from Hong Kong! Sorry for taking time to release the details, but here we're sharing the timetable, price list, and location information. As for some parts left tentative, we'll keep you updated through our social media. We'll also add some more activities. Ticket sales will start soon. Secure your schedule if you're interested.
- 香港・日本のスケッチャーを講師として、様々なスキルを学ぶワークショップとデモ
- 津田沼や周辺地域を散策するスケッチウォーク
- スケッチャー仲間との交流を深めるドリンク&ドロー
- ベン・ルック(@sketcher_ben、USk Hong Kong):食べものを素早く、美味しく描くスキルをレクチャー
- ロブ・スケッチャーマン(@robsketcherman、USk Hong Kong): iPadスケッチの第一人者。今回は人の描き方講座を予定(画材は何でも可)
- 松川久美(@kumimatsukawaart、USk Japan創設者):正確な構図の捉え方と効果的な水彩の着色法を学ぶ
・Place: Around Keisei Tsudanuma Station (Narashino City, Chiba, Japan)
・Dates: April 1-2, 2023
- Workshops and Demos where you can learn different skills from instructors from Hong Kong and Japan
- Sketchwalk where you can explore Tsudanuma and neighboring areas
- Drink and Draw where you can socialize with other sketchers
- Ben Luk (@sketcher_ben, USk Hong Kong) will teach how to capture food quickly.
- Rob Sketcherman (@robsketcherman, USk Hong Kong) will teach how to draw people.
- Kumi Matsukawa (@kumimatsukawaart, Founder of USk Japan) will teach how to compose your subjects with correct proportion and apply watercolor effectively.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/18_Glf1pHNNwJyV3GYYSi7hSXMTsKEoC6/view?usp=share_link (2/20更新 Updated on Feb. 20)
価格表/Price list
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X5PtlE-2PF7r8e_CLeohRQCqGUfgJtUb/view?usp=share_link (2/21更新 Updated on Feb. 21)
開催地について/About Place
Take the Keisei Line from Keisei Ueno, and you'll get to Keisei Tsudanuma after a 40 minute ride. Tsudanuma is a small town in Narashino City, Chiba, Japan. It might look like a typical, kind-of-boring suburban area. But, once you take a look, you'll discover charms of a long-establisied local community, from a heritage site park to a traditional Japanese house to a former public bathhouse. You can also find cafes and shops that opened in recent years and brought some fresh new air to the neighborhood.
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