BTS of Urban Sketching Weekend: En (縁) Is the Key to Success
津田沼で行われたUrban Sketching Weekend Skills Seriesから1週間後の夜、インドネシア出身で現在は山口に拠点を置くUSkJのメンバー、ニアと3時間半ぶっ通しでチャットするという女子高生のようなことをした(どこにそんな体力が残っていたのか自分でも不明)。そのなかで「縁」という概念について少し話をした。何事もちょっとした縁から動き出し、次に繋がり、さらに発展して、小さな巡り合わせは気つけば大きな何かに成長している。これはまさにUrban Sketching Weekendの企画運営に際して身にしみて感じたことだった。
At midnight a week after Urban Sketching Weekend Skills Series in Tsudanuma, I had a 3.5-hour nonstop chat with Nia, an urban sketcher from Indonesia currently based in Yamaguchi. There we mentioned the concept of en (縁). It’s often translated to fate or destiny, but I think it’s more like a connection or opportunity. Things start rolling from a small opportunity, create a new connection and, repeating the process, grow into something big eventually. This is exactly what I experienced while I was working on the weekend event.
Looking back on the event as Leading Organizer, I got to realize I can’t review it objectively or write about each activity evenly, as I was in the middle of the things happening. Then I decided to share what was seen from my perspective, in other words, the “behind the scenes” from the organizer’s point of view. This post might be quite personal, but at the same time, I hope it somewhat inspires those who are interested in organizing events in the future.
Everything started from a casual chat with Rob and Ben, sketchers from Hong Kong, who joined USkJ’s meetup in November last year right after the restriction on travel to Japan was completely lifted. We shared a bit of the situation of our group and how the admin team was working. Later on, Ben asked if USk Japan would be interested in doing a bigger event than regular sketchwalks with HK sketchers. Every time we got such an inquiry, our answer was always “we don’t think we can because we don’t have enough resources or experience.” We’d already discussed this topic a few times and concluded it wasn’t the right time yet since our group wasn’t big enough and we would need many more volunteers. Then, how did it change suddenly? There was a personal reason actually, but one thing I started to think through the chat was that we might need to try something challenging if we want to include more people and grow bigger. Sometimes it's good to be (a little forcingly) encouraged to push our boundaries so we might achieve more than what we expect.
昨年11月の谷根千スケッチ会で。ロブとベンと。 Sketched with Rob and Ben at a meetup in Yanesen in November 2022 |
それからUSkJの運営メンバーへの提案と同意を経て、いざイベントを計画しはじめようというときに個人的に外せなかったのが、千葉で様々なローカルのイベントを企画運営している夫婦ユニットnom de cocoaさんだった。数年来の友人で、アーバンスケッチという活動に深く関心を寄せてくれていた彼らとは常々何かコラボしたいねと話しながらも、コロナ禍もあり、実現していなかった。彼らとの協働であれば、場所は千葉、しかも習志野エリアという、都会でも田舎でもない、海外のゲストを惹きつけるにはだいぶ微妙なロケーションになる。でも、だからこそここを選んだというのもある。
After I talked to the other admins in our team and we decided to try, I chose to co-host in Narashino CIty, Chiba, with nom de cocoa, a wife and a husband who have organized a lot of local events in Chiba. We’ve been friends for a few years and often said we wanted to do something together. But the pandemic prevented our collaboration for the last three years. I knew Narashino wouldn’t look attractive to visitors. It’s not either the city or the countryside. Pretty boring on the surface. But that’s why I chose the location.
Surely Tokyo would be a perfect location; a worldwide popular tourist destination, a city where you can find anything, sketchers’ paradise with a wide variety of attractions. As long as we can deal with the following problems, though. Can we safely lead a big group of sketchers in the busy, crowded Tokyo? Can we secure enough venues and resources? How should we coordinate with relevant parties? While it seems like terribly daunting tasks if we do it in Tokyo, it would be much easier in Narashino, where there are people who know me and understand what I do as an urban sketcher.
Also I wanted to show more local and real sides of Japan, which can’t be seen in touristy spots, to people from other countries including the instructors from Hong Kong. After some discussion, we specifically chose the area around Keisei Tsudanuma Station in Narashino as the location. The neighborhood is a “typical” suburban town facing an aged and decreased population. However, any typical town is actually not the same as others. People in the town have different personalities and stories from each other. You can find the history and background once you take a walk. The shopping street stretching from Keisei Tsudanuma Station to the south is called Waigaya (hustle and bustle) Street. In reality, it’s far from hustle and bustle as many shops on the streets have shut down. Then, most people would guess it is called Waigaya Street because it used to be busy. But the truth is the opposite. Actually, local people renamed the street Waigaya after it lost the liveliness, with their hope of gaining it back. In addition, some local media and study groups were recently formed and work on rediscovery and promotion of the history and culture of Tsudanuma. Although we can’t deny that the town is economically and socially shrinking, there are people devoting effort to nurture and (re)develop the local community. I thought urban sketching could help highlight that.
京成津田沼駅周辺の手描きマップ My hand-drawn map of the area around Keisei Tsudanuma Sta. |
Although we had the initial idea in early December, the project didn’t actually start until mid January because of the year-end/New Year’s business and explosion of covid cases around that time. For the first month after that, until we finalized the program and pricing, I felt so much pressure and stress, to be honest. I wouldn’t complain about it since it is what I chose to do. But I prepared some document or material literally every day and went to Tsudanuma many times to check out the venues and plan the logistics. The biggest concern was that we couldn’t easily find a place that could be used as our hub. Many event spaces in the area were already booked for April 1 and/or 2, the dates for our event, for some reason. I was almost desperate, but saved by a local expert. He manages Mihashiyu Hall, the venue for the sketchbook throwdown after the sketchwalk. After hearing my whining about arranging the venues, he told me about THAT place. Yes, Maruda Meeting Room (it turned out after Day 1 of the event that it is not Mruta but Maruda). The place that is not well known even among local people is a traditional Japanese room with tatami mats soaked in the smell of history. I wouldn’t dare to ask participants what they thought about the room, but for me, finding the place for our hub was a huge progress.
We also had many other challenges since it was our first time to host a full weekend event and we were learning how to do it as we went along. I won’t list them up because it will go too long. After securing the hub and finalizing the program and pricing, I wrote introductions to the activities and instructors on our blog and Peatix. The information was scattered around on different platforms, but Hitomi-san sorted it out and made a landing page! That was really helpful since everything gathered on the landing page and I didn’t have to think about which platform I should publish information on any more. When we started ticket sales, I was worried how many people would really buy. However, the workshop tickets sold very fast and the sales reached our minimum target soon. I really appreciate those who purchased tickets at an early time. I mentioned I had a lot of stress, but it was quite different from that I had at work. The joy of doing what I really wanted outweighed. I did almost everything for the event, and out of all the tasks, I enjoyed translation most.
スローダウンより Sketchbook throwdown |
鷺沼城址公園にてスケッチする皆さま Sketchers at Saginuma Castle Site Park Photo credit: Rafidah M Dahri (@craftcow) |
スケッチャーをスケッチする Sketched sketchers |
ベンのワークショップにて。tipiさんの美味しい和食。 From Ben's workshop. Tasty Japanese dishes served by tipi-san |
ロブのワークショップ。寒かったね From Rob's workshop |
大中小で描く津田沼 My Tsudanuma sketched in big, medium, and small |
メッシュ/Mesh |
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