Drink & Drawで一枚だけ!?


昨年末に展示をさせてもらったクラフトビールのお店、Pintology さんで今回もドリンク&ドローを開催させてもらいました。アットホームなオーナー、ユキさんとカイルさんのお陰で、ホントに自分ちで遊んでる気分。




The post sketch outing meal where we all drink and eat together like a party is so much fun, isn’t it? Sometimes it's more fun than sketching itself lol.  The idea of Drink and Draw is what that is all about. I must say, the person who came up with this is a genius (laughs)

We held another Drink & Draw event at Pintology, the craft beer place where I had an exhibition last year. Thanks to the welcoming owners, Yuki-san and Kyle-san, it felt like hanging out at a friend’s house.

Despite announcing it only a few days before, it turned out to be a lively and fun event with new participants as well. Although I usually manage to produce a fair number of drawings, this time, I somehow ended up with only one. I was quite surprised myself. I have memories of the event, of course (laughs), but I wonder if I was just enjoying myself too much? Was I just drinking and chatting? 😂🍻

Actually, I had intended to try a different sketching style and approach this time, but I didn’t manage to do any of that (laughs). That’s what frustrates me the most. What happened?

That being said, I’d like to share some sketches from our regular members, although I don’t have sketches from everyone who participated.

Just one sketch!? That’s definitely strange! What was I doing for about six hours there!? On the left, Reiko-san bought and used a parallel pen herself!! Impressive! 🙌

A bunch of us geeks drawing diligently while drinking beer on a Sunday afternoon (laughs).

Arthur-san, whom I met for the first time, sketched the interior. It was fun to see the process of drawing in a style different from mine up close.

Suddenly, a cool person’s sketch appeared! Isn’t this model awesome? Who is it? (laughs)

Johanna-san was chatting away but also drawing properly (laughs).

Iwase-san quickly drew on an iPad.

レイコさんのお友達にチェキを撮ってもらいました☆!Reiko-san’s friend took a Cheki(instax) photo of us!
Other participants joined in, and it became a lively gathering!
Haruka-san, who also joined for the first time, only had about six colors in her watercolor palette and yet created this!? Amazing, isn’t it? I’ve always thought urban sketching was coolest when done with minimal tools (laughs). Witnessing this up close made me nod in agreement and genuinely happy.



…So, as I write this, I’m also thinking about topics I should have discussed more deeply. But when you’re on-site, the conversation tends to jump around (laughs), making it quite difficult.

We’ll hold another event when we find the opportunity, so if you couldn’t join this time, please come next time! Let’s also meet at our regular sketching sessions!


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