アーバンスケッチャー、東西交流 / Meeting of the East and the West – Sketch Session with Osaka Urban Sketchers

For the last three-day holiday, I traveled to Kyoto and had a huge cafe-hopping tour (I'm a terrible coffee addict). Actually, Kyoto has a developed coffee culture, consuming more of it than anywhere else in Japan. This time, instead of visiting shrines and temples, I went to as many coffee shops as possible, had loads of coffee, and sketched the shops. I've posted the sketches on Facebook (link is below), but here I'm gonna be sharing a story in Osaka, where I went even more further from Kyoto.


というのも、今回念願かなって大阪のアーバンスケッチャー、サマンサさんと旦那さんにお会いし、一緒にスケッチすることができたのです。嬉しいことに、お二人ともコーヒー大好き。そこで北堀江の素敵なカフェMondial Kaffee 328でお茶しつつ、カフェスケッチを行いました。
Another purpose of this trip was going to Osaka to meet an urban sketcher Samantha and her husband. They are also coffee lovers, so we had a sketch session with some good coffee at Mondial Kaffee 328 in Kita-horie.

This is what the cafe looks like. I should've taken a picture of it on the outside as well...

Delicious latte with a nice roasted bitter taste (sorry for my poor vocabulary to describe coffee flavors lol)

We got serious once we started sketching... Samantha's husband first said he was just seeing us draw. But he also started to draw a little later. That's the power of sketching.

Throw down of the cafe session

Samantha's detailed ballpoint drawing and cute watercolor sketch. I like how her sketches reflect her eagerness and sincerity toward drawing.

My pen sketch. I went a bit too far for details...

Tried out a Pilot parallel pen, which I borrowed from Samantha. It was difficult to control, but I fell in love with the unique flow of lines it creates.

Unfortunately, I don't have an individual picture of the husband's sketch. Although he said he was a beginner, his drawing had very clean and neat lines (I'm a super beginner too tho). We just had three of us and a 2.5 hour session. But we got a variety of results drawn in different styles, with different tools.

Though we'd known each other online, it was our first time to meet in person. I'm not good at socializing. But, sharing sketch as our common language, I had a really fun and relaxing time with the lovely couples. As we showed our sketchbooks to each other, we agreed sketches are dozens times better in person than seen on a smart phone screen. It's great we can share art easily on social media, but still there is no better way to appreciate it than seeing physical works.

わたしがスケッチ会の様子をなるべく詳細にレポートしたり、以前にアップしたスケッチブック紹介の記事を書いたりするのは、実際にスケッチを目にした者として、その場にいなかった方々にできる限りその感動なり、背景のストーリーなりを伝えたいという思いからだったりします。Urban Sketchers Japan、といいつつも実質USk Tokyoなところがあり(日本ではあらゆるものが東京に集中しすぎてしまっているので、これはUSkに限らない問題ですが)、都内近郊以外のメンバーはオンライン上で活動を追っています。対してわたしは都内のスケッチ会ならたいてい都合をつけられる恵まれた環境にあり、いろんな方のスケッチをたくさん拝見しているので、そこで感じたこと、見聞きしたことをここで留めておくのはもったいない、実際この場に来られない人にもできるだけお伝えしたいとよく思います。もちろん実物を届けられるわけではなく、わたしの文章による補足でしかないのですが、、、少しでもスケッチをシェアする体験を補強するものとしてお役に立てたら嬉しいです。
Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I always try to report a meet-up in detail to share the impressions and stories behind with people who were not present. The idea of the blog post about sketchbooks, which I wrote the other day, stemmed from the same intention. Though the group's name is Urban Sketchers Japan, it's more of USk "Tokyo" in reality and sketchers outside Tokyo follow our activities online (Japan is so Tokyo-centric it's not a problem only for USk tho). I can make it to any outing in Tokyo and have many chances to see amazing sketches in person. At a meet-up, I often think it's a shame if we keep what we experience and learn only here, so I should write about it online. Though I can't deliver actual works to people outside Tokyo, but I hope my writing helps enrich the experience of sharing.

So that's my report about a cafe sketch session in Osaka. I'd like to say thank you to Samantha and her husband for joining me and introducing a nice cafe. I look forward to sketching with them in Tokyo as well :)

Added on March 16

Samantha sent me a pic of her husband's sketch. Thanks for letting me share it here (sorry for this late posting)!


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