The Pen / パラレルペンのお話

Are you particular about pens? Honestly, I don't pay much attention to select art supplies in general and I mostly draw with a fine liner or ballpoint pen available everywhere. But lately I found a pen, THE pen, which works just right for me.

これです。パイロットのパラレルペン、ニブ幅2.4 mm。最近こればかり使っているので、今回はそのスケッチをまとめてシェアしたいと思います。
It's a Pilot parallel pen with a 2.4 mm nib. I've been drawing with it quite a lot recently, so here I'm gonna be sharing my parallel pen sketches and a story behind.

I tried a parallel pen for the first time when I sketched with Samantha in Osaka and borrowed hers last month.

My drawing was messy since I couldn't control the nib at all. But I fell in love with how the lines went unpredictable and spontaneous and decided to buy one after coming back to Tokyo.

Then I got one from Sekaido and tried drawing with it. I knew I couldn't control the lines, so I even didn't try to.

As I was using the pen, I realized it makes it much easier to grasp the general shape and movement of an object with one stroke than a fine liner because it provides thick lines. It enables me to draw faster, draw much in a shorter time. That brings me fun.

With this new mate, I tried to make a sketch report of a coffee cupping event. It was very hard to fill in a spread following the movements of the barista brewing coffee one after another and the people walking around to try out different coffees. I couldn't care at all about the scale or composition. But I think I managed to capture the atmosphere of the place and the things I saw and experienced and the sketch is packed with liveliness.

In general, I think too much before doing something, which often makes me end up running out of time or even not knowing what I intend to do. Probably I'm too cautious. But, when using a parallel pen, I don't try to control the flow of lines or take much care for the composition or details because I know I can't. And interestingly, that makes me bolder, more confident to draw. Once I get started, I draw quickly without concern and a spread is filled before I realize it. That gives my sketch liveliness. This way, a parallel pen works very well with my style to record an atmosphere people create, a shared time and place.

なので、Drink & Drawでパラレルペンを使ってスケッチするのをすごく楽しみにしていました(パブや居酒屋の賑わいを描くDrink&Drawこそパラレルペン活躍の場!)。先日の月例スケッチ会の後、またもHUBでDrink&Drawを行うことになり、意気揚々とパラレルペンで描き始めた、のですが。これインクがすぐなくなるのを失念していて、ほんのちょっと描いたところでインク切れしてしまいました。優しいシンさんが同じ2.4 mm幅のものを持っていたのでお借りして、結局90%くらいシンさんので描いた。。それがこちら↓ 相変わらず誰かの助けを借りているわたしです。
That's why I was very excited to draw with a parallel pen in a drink & draw session (it's exactly where the pen would shine). For the last monthly USkJ meet-up, we had a drink & draw at HUB again and I started to sketch with my buddy. But after a few minutes, it ran out of ink. I borrowed Shin-san's with black ink and drew 90% with his. I feel like I always borrow something from someone... Anyway, here is my sketch.

The accident gave a good contrast between black and blue.

I love blue. But I found black is also cool and started to use black ink this time. Here is my latest sketch.

I like the result. It's relaxed.

So this is a story about a pen I've been loving recently. What pen do you use? I'd love to hear your stories. The comment box of this blog hasn't worked properly for a while, so you can share them on Facebook (I have shared this post on FB).


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