
Showing posts from October, 2019

We were just like in “kids got los of new toy “ mode

We Urban Sketchers Japan had such a fun time in a special sketch meet-up, “Faber-Castell Presents Jens Hübner’s Urban Sketch Workshop” at Hibiya Park. We received exclusively provided art materials by Faber-Castell ( thanks so much for the company and DKSH Japan) , we experimented them after German travel sketcher, Jens Hübner, taught the way how to use them in his short demo. These materials are going to become my must sketch gear from now on. “Faber-Castell Presents Jens Hübner’s Urban Sketch Workshop”と題したFaber-Castell、旅するUrban Sketcher、 Jens Hübnerさん、そしてUSK Japanのコラボレーションのスケッチイベントを日比谷公園内で開催し、Jens氏によるファーバーカステルの画材の使い方の説明デモを受けた後に、このイベントのためにファーバーカステルよりご提供いただいた画材を試しながらいつものように各々が好きな場所へ散らばってスケッチしました。 We all inspired by his demo, concise and articulated ways of technic and expressions. we enjoyed experimenting the art materials most of which we used for the first time! We were just like “kids got los of new toy “ mode. Jens氏のデモはそれぞれの画材(カステル鉛筆、水彩色鉛筆、キャップ型消しゴム、ウォーターブラシとそのキャップ、P...

I'm such a big fan of you guys! 素晴らしい仲間と愛犬と。

  横浜山手・元町は、週末には多くのスケッチャーが訪れ、スケッチャーには優しい街でもあります。 The town of Yokohama Motomachi and Yamate hilly side has many sketchers visiting in the weekends. 地元のフリーペーパーを作っている素敵な女性たちが上の写真を撮ってくださいました。 We were even photographed by those cheerful ladies who edit free local papers. Look at the above group photo with the perfect angle of the street! さすがプロのアングルは違うね! 私は近くに住んでいながら、家族と出かけることのほうが多くて、なかなか思うようにスケッチできないエリアでした。 This is the area I can't easily go out sketching alone though I live nearby.. 皆さんと一緒に歩いてスケッチできることが楽しくて、、少しご紹介を。 So I was really happy to walk and sketch with you guys!! 終始ブツブツうるさくチマチマ描いていた私の横で、我慢強く諭しながら穏やかに描いていた敦子さん。ちゃんと私も入れてくださり、いつもながら見事な奥行き! Atsuko was sketching beside me patiently, drawing the whole view of the street including me! もう最初の集合時間という頃にテツさんも隣に現れ、10分線描きの10分色塗りくらいでチャチャっと完璧な仕上がり!右手前にはニアちゃんの姿も描き入れて。 Then Tetsu joined us.. I wonder how he could have made such an excellent work in the last minutes! He also drew Nia looking ...

Perfect Autumn Day in Yokohama / 秋晴れの横浜 山手・元町

Once again, the sun was with us. October’s meet-up happened at Yokohama on the 20th. When I left my home in the morning, the sky looked gloomy. But as I was getting closer to Yokohama, it became sunnier. Arriving at Ishikawa-cho Station, I was welcomed by the blue sky and these fun people. 10月20日、横浜にて月例スケッチ会を行いました。朝、家を出たときはどんよりした空模様だったのですが、横浜に近づくにつれ晴れてきて、待ち合わせ場所の石川町駅に到着すると、青空とともにいつも愉快なスケッチャーの皆さんが出迎えてくれました。 Kumi-san has already posted her report on the meet-up, so this time I’m gonna write a lighter, more casual post than usual (I intend to now, but I don’t know. I always write too much). 久美さんがすでに レポート記事 を投稿されているので、今回は少し軽めにまとめたいと思っています。 It was the second meet-up we had in Yokohama this year. But, as contrasted with sketching waterfront sites (Red Brick Warehouse and Yamashita Park) in May, this month we explored the old shopping area called Motomachi in the morning and then went up to the hilly side of the city called Yamate (aka the Bluff) in the afternoon. 横浜でのスケッチ会...