Children's day decorations in Japan 鯉のぼり
Koinobori (Jap. 鯉 の ぼ り 🎏) - those same fish on sticks, a mysterious emoji for those who are not familiar with Japan. I like the animalistic character of the cultural symbols here, and it is inspiring. Biophilia? Something in this is very attractive to me, a biologist. Carps swim among the clouds. We have many visitors in the neighborhood park. 住んでいる松戸市、岩瀬、自治会館前に鯉を飾りました。コロナですけど、公園にお客さんが多く来てます。鯉のぼりは人気です。 毎日たくさん親が来て、小さな子を連れていて、写真を撮ったり、遊んだりします。スケッチでドキュメンテーションしました。 I enjoy these seasonal traditional decorations. Unfortunately, nowadays people do not have much space in their garden to place the decorations as big as those. So as a manager of community area, I think it is good to have at least one gorgeous decoration for everyone around to enjoy the celebration.