Meet your USkJ friends : interview with Momoko Takada

Today I interview MomoKo-san, who is a young energetic member of our group, with full of new ideas. You probably have seen event announcements released by her in our Facebook group frequently, or her posts in USk Japan blog. She also work actively as a core-member to make our group fresh and mature. Now enjoy her stories!

1: アーバンスケッチャーズジャパンにはいつから参加しているか?また参加の形態は?(Facebook・Instagramへの投稿、スケッチ会参加、ブログ寄稿など)
Since when are you participating USk Japan, and on which platforms? (FB/IG, sketch meetups, blog contribution, etc.)

Although I'm an admin, I'm actually quite new to urban sketching. In the spring of 2018, I stumbled upon the hashtag, #urbansketchers, on Instagram. It sounded cool to me, so I googled it and found the USk community. At that time, I liked recording my day by drawing things I saw and experienced in daily life and where I traveled. I didn't have the skill or courage to draw on location, though. My drawings at the time were mostly done from photos. But I imagined it would be much fun if I could sketch on location and was strongly attracted to the idea of urban sketch, which is documenting what we see and experience by drawing it exactly at the moment and place.

So, I joined USkJ's FB group. Although I just looked at it in the beginning, soon I started urban sketching myself and attending sketch meetups (My first meetup was the one at Kyu-Furukawa Gardens in the middle of summer. I remember my brain and body were melting because it was insanely hot.). After a while, I got to help arrange a few sketch meetups. In the meantime, some USkJ members were planning to set up the organizing team ("core members"). I was invited to it for some reason and became one of the core members. It was at the end of 2018. I was a very beginner, but they didn't care about the lack of skill or experience, and treated me equally as a core member. This openess enbaled me to fit in with the group in no time. In USkJ, no matter whether you are professional or amateur, a newbie or experienced, you can enjoy sketching with all other sketchers shoulder by shoulder, and any style and approach are respected. This is what I love about the group.


My major platform is Instagram. I use FB when we have an event or I have something specific to share. I also contribute to USkJ blog, organize events, and manage the FB group.

The first sketch meetup that I’ve ever arranged at Rikkyo Univ.

2: 何を描くのが好きか?
What's your favorite subjet to draw?

I'm drawn to the concept of a place or space, rather than just buildings or landscapes. Originally I'm not really interested to draw one single subject but to observe the relation and interaction between different things and to capture the space (in other words, atmosphere, context, or even narrative) created by them. I particularly like places such as cafes and HUB (British-pub-styled bar chain, where we often had drink and draws) because there are different subjects to sketch, for example, people, interior, food, and drinks. By drawing a collection of them, you can see a story or "feels" experienced at the place spontaneously come through the page.

But recently I've been putting more focus on people and drawing them without including the background or surroundings. This is my new approach to documenting a place. I do this mainly on train rides. You might wonder how one can show the place only by drawing people. But if you sketch random people, they become a series and collectively start to tell a story of the time and place.

3: アーバンスケッチが日常にもたらしたものは?
What has urban sketch brought to your life?

Urban sketch is an outlet for me to share what I see/hear/experience and express what I feel/think about it. Originally, writing was my major outlet. I liked (and still do) blogging and shared my experiences and ideas through writing. But, after I found urban sketch, I realized I can do it through sketching as well. Plus, in the USk community, not only a drawing itself but written information such as a caption is much valued. Many urban sketchers are good writers. So, urban sketching allows me to enjoy both drawing and writing and share my world through my two favorite activities.

4: アーバンスケッチャーズジャパンで今後どのような活動をしたいか?
What other activities would you like to do with USk Japan in the future?

Personally, I'm interested in translating information from the global USk and overseas chapters only available in English to make it more accessible to the Japanese sketching community (and vice versa). But now Google Translate is somewhat reliable, so I don't know if there's the need for translation.

For me, writing is important as well as drawing. So, I want to develop the writing aspect and idea of how written information can be combined with drawings effectively. I wonder if it would be interesting to have a presentation or something like that about the relationship between writing and drawing... What do you think?

5: 好きなスケッチャーは?
Name your favorite sketcher.

個別に好きなスケッチャーや憧れの人ってあんまりいませんが、一人だけ名前をあげると、以前USkのプレジデント(会長?)だったメンフィスのElizabeth Alleyさんは、スケッチもさることながら文章が好きで、ブログを愛読しています。日々の暮らしに自然とスケッチが息づいていると感じられるリラックスしたスケッチジャーナリングのスタイルで、日常の物事を描きとめつつ、そこに簡潔ながら洞察に満ちた文章を添えているところ、真似したいのですがなかなかできません。先日USk本部のブログにゲスト寄稿していた記事は、日々のスケッチ数枚と無駄のないクリーンな文章で「時代を記録するものとしてのアーバンスケッチ」を見事に説明していて、こういう記事が書きたいんだよなあと思いました。

I'm a fan of both drawing and writing by Elizabeth Alley from Memphis, a former President of USk. I love her blog her blogand try to follow her sketch journaling style, in which she records her days in a relaxed manner with her concise, but insightful writing. Her post on the global USk blog amazingly represents how urban sketching documents a time through a few of her daily sketches and the brief text.

6: コロナを気にせず旅に出られるなら、どんな画材を持っていくか?(ケーシーさんからの質問)
What sketching materials/tools would you bring with you if you could travel with no need to worry about COVID-19? (Question from Casey-san)

どこに行きたいかではなく、どんな画材を持っていくかなんですね。。笑 いつもと同じものを持っていくと思います。なので、いつもの画材やスケッチブックを紹介します。
This question is funny as Casey-san asked not where I'd like to go sketching but what I would bring lol. I think I'd bring my usual sketch kit, so I'm showing it.

● ペンPens

(left to right)
Kuretake's Zig markers
Pelikan's Twist fountain pen
Sailor's Fude de Mannen (bent nib) fountain pen
Lamy Safari fountain pen
Pilot's Parallel Pen

Other than these, I also use regular ballpoint pens and fineliners. Currently I'm drawing very much with Fude de Mannen.

● 水彩Watercolor

Winsor & Newton

Since I started sketching, I've been using this handy kit. I'm not good with colors (and I'm so ashamed of it), so I don't pay much attention to watercolor. Twelve colors are enough for me because it's too many choices if I have more.

● スケッチブックSketchbooks

(left to right, top to bottom)
Hahnemühle Watercolour Book in A5
Royal Talens' Art Creation Sketchbook in 12 x 12 cm
Other casual sketchbooks
I always have two or three different types of sketchbooks—one high quality hard bound watercolor book and one or two more affordable casual book(s). I change my sketchbook depend on the situation and mood. My current watercolor book is from Hahnemühle. The paper is so nice that I can enjoy applying watercolor though I'm not really good with it as I said above. This sketchbook is pricey, but I'm in love with it. As for casual sketchbooks/notebooks, I have tried a few different books. Maybe Royal Talens' one is best for me—it is affordable, has plenty of pages, and somewhat handles watercolor.

By the way, where would you guys go sketching if you could travel to any place you like? I'd choose London.

7: これまでに使ったことのあるカキモリ(東京・蔵前等に店舗を待つ文具店)のインクと、その特徴や使用感について。また、これから試したいインクは?(ケーシーさんからの質問)

Describe the ink colors from Kakimori (stationery shop chain based in Tokyo) that you have used and tell what ink you want to try. (Question from Casey-san)


I'm not particular about ink and probably Naoko-san should be able to give more helpful information about it... Anyway, I think I want to try Platinum's Classic Ink in a different color than Lavender Black, which I already have. The ink deepens its color and gets darker over time, and it's really nice how the color changes.

As for Kakimori's ink, I've never used their ready-made ink. At their ink specialty shop, you can make your original ink color by choosing three from their basic colors and mixing them at a ratio you like. There I've made two colors.

The first color is warm gray with a touch of brown tone. I filled it in a pen kit also from Kakimori to make my own color pen. I use it mainly for shadows.

The second one is slightly purplish brown. This is my signature color. I've been using it filled in Fude de Mannen since September, and I LOVE the combo. The loose lines and warm color make my drawings look relaxed. I use the combo especially when I sketch at a cafe. This brown color is suitable for Japanese wooden architecture and Western brick buildings as well as cafes.

Kakimori's ink is waterproof. Costume-made colors is made by mixing different colors, but discoloration doesn't happen—the colors are beautiful after years.

I can see that she has such a keen eye for every single aspect, and makeing choices gracefully just like how she treasures her favorit color inks.


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